The National Park Theory

The last twenty years our culture (US) has been moving from what I call a National Park world to a world that can only be described as a Jungle.

Consider The following comparisons:

National Park

•         Are neatly laid out

•         Predictable and slow to change

•         Warn you about dangers animals

•         Provide adequate shelter

•         National parks change very […]

Communication Hub

For the week of November 07, 2005

Communication “Hub”

By: Tom Bandy

Traditional church buildings were designed for curriculums rather than conversations. In other words, ecclesiastical architects assumed worshippers would go immediately to Sunday school rooms, or return for midweek Bible study sessions, or gather routinely in community centers. Christians did not really need to converse over […]

Got Effective Members?

We live in a culture where church membership is a moving target. Those considering the move from guest to member may join the church for any number of reasons. Before joining any church, there are some questions a prospective member needs to ask (and answer). For instance, it’s important they feel comfortable with and […]

The Business of Church

Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church’s and faith’s reputation. Too often, spiritual seekers have turned in desperation to the church only to discover the church so embroiled in “business as usual” that there […]

The 15% Mistake

Stuck at a 15% return rate for first-time guests? Let’s turn that around.

Meet Pastor Doug. He implemented a guest engagement plan and saw his guest return rate skyrocket from 15% to 75%. Real change, real results. Time to take action, folks. Success in church growth isn’t accidental; it’s the result of intentional actions and […]

Waiting for the Next Something

On my way back from a church conference, I got on an airplane with more than its fair share of church leaders on it. This particular conference had been wildly popular and the keynote speakers frequently reminded us for the need to be faithful, effective, and efficient. The men and women in attendance seemed […]

7 Steps to Effectively Follow Up


Hopefully Christmas Eve was the largest attended service you had in 2023.

If you had a larger than normal crowd on Christmas Eve, praise God, that’s wonderful. Many got to hear the good news of great joy for all people, but that’s not the end of the story. It’s just the beginning. How we follow […]

Disciple Making = Church Growth?

Recently a troll caught one of our posts about radical disciple making and took it out for an attempted thrashing. To be honest, I get amused when someone takes us to task because we’re so focused on church growth. “It’s all about the numbers for you guys” as if that’s some sort of an […]

Bucks, Butts, or Disciples?

To become a part of the Next Level for Church Growth Pastors Group (a private Facebook Group), a pastor has to answer three questions. Question #2 is about Church Growth. It’s always amused me (not Ha Ha amusement) when some pastor pushes back and accuses me (and The Effective Church Group) about being one […]