What Small Groups Can Learn from the House Church Movement

If nominations were solicited for a single word that best described the North American house church and home fellowship movement, “potential” might be the one in the sealed envelope. David Garrison who has studied global church planting movements suggests that house church planting is one of the key factors for the growth of global […]

Whatever Happened to Excellence

My brother was in the Marines … a loooong time ago. I was in the Air Force … a looooooonger time ago. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Good enough for government work.” I imagine I heard that now and again during my tour in Europe, but I know good and well my […]

When God Moves Into the Neighborhood

Imagine. A church of small groups that meet in homes, based on geography rather than affinity, whose purpose is to not only share life together around the Scriptures but also to transform the neighborhood or section of the city from which the small group is gathered by living out what it means to be […]

“Volunteer” is a Dirty Word

By Bill Easum

The words we use denote who we are and how we view the world. Change some of the words you use and you’re on the way to changing the system.

That’s why I hate the word “volunteer.”  To me the word has come to mean “I’ll give you what I want to give […]

Parachurch planting Groups

Bill Easum

Several trans-denominational groups have begun church planting centers for the purpose of networking, developing and assisting church planters. The relationship of the organization to the planter is very different from that of the congregational-based center. Whereas the congregational-based center has a direct impact on the long-term coaching, the organizational based planting center often […]

Faith-Based Fundraising: 4 CRM Tips to Build Relationships

Relationships are crucial to your church’s mission. To reach and impact your community, you likely aim to welcome newcomers, retain visitors, and strengthen relationships with members. 

The same is true when it comes to church fundraising. Fortunately, there are fundraising tools available to help your church build and strengthen relationships with its supporters. 

Church membership management […]

Musings on Art and the relationship to Worship


There is a phenomenon in churches today—yes, yet another one.  The arts and worship.  I’m hearing about it, I’m experiencing it.  I am even teaching it.  And I am worried about it, a bit.  I suppose we are “a ways off” from church leaders completely usurping it, […]

A Declaration of Freedom from Decline

The United States of America is 242 years old.  That’s a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history, America is just a child among the nations. Egypt, China, Japan and Greece all make America’s history seem so short. 242 years […]

Develop a Culture of Equipping

Bill Easum

Church leaders constantly ask me how to get people to commit enough time to do lay ministries. “My people are just too busy,” they say.

Folks, let’s face it; that’s nothing more than a copout from doing authentic ministry. Most people have time to do what is meaningful to them. Sure, time is now […]