Four Things that Keep People Out of Your Church

I suspect no church intentionally goes about barring their doors to keep new people out, but given the poor first-time visitor numbers in most churches, it sometimes seems like that might be the case. A healthy, growing church should be seeing enough first-time visitors each week that they make up 3 percent or more […]

In the Wake of Complexity

The most profound change during my lifetime has been the shift from a mechanical to an organic worldview. My partner, Tom Bandy, and I have written extensively on this shift because it is changing the way every effective discipline views reality.* For Christian leaders this shift requires changing from being a mechanic to a […]

Worship Websites

1. Sally Morgenthaler

2. Worship Books, Articles, Reviews,Keyboard Tutorials, Sound System Design,Multimedia Presentations, MIDI & Synthesizer Info/Tutorials, Worship Classified Listings, Worship Links, Conferences, Seminars, Worship CDs, Christian Music Arrangements, Sheet Music, MIDI Song Files

3. Worship leaders resources, conferences, music.


5.   Lin Wilson and Jason Moore who used to be at Ginghamsburg church

6. worship resources, articles, seminars, CD’s

7. worship music _ often have […]

Deepen Your Congregation’s Spirituality Quotient

Back in the mid-1980s, while I was an undergraduate at Florida Baptist College, my professor, Dr. LeRoy Benefield, shared insights that have stayed with me to this day. He recounted a statement from Billy Graham, who estimated that only about 10% of active church members were faithful, practicing disciples of Jesus Christ. This revelation […]

Measuring Church Transformation

In August, I wrote a blog entry on why so many church consultations fail to net positive, long-term results. As I wrote that article, in the back of my mind was the ongoing question that I often get about how to measure a church’s transformation. There’s always a lot of pushback from church leaders […]

Empowering Your Staff

The importance of staffing a church isn’t taught in seminary. It should be, but it isn’t, and that’s a crime. Because once a church crosses 100 in worship, finding the right staff becomes one of the most important steps a pastor can take. I’m convinced that not knowing how to find and hire the right […]

Stragetic Mappers

Bill Easum

Those who follow my antics know that I make a distinction between strategic planning and strategic mapping. To put it bluntly, I don’t think we have time in a warp-speed world to do extensive planning. Moreover, there’s not enough reliable information on hand about the future to do strategic planning. However, I do […]

Examples of Mission Statements

Disciple More by Leveraging What You’re Already Doing

Every week, thousands of pastors spend hours and hours creating a sermonic masterpiece that will be heard once by fewer than 60 people.
Every week, tens of thousands of Sunday school classes will meet to educate and ostensibly disciple less than a dozen people.

The same goes for Bible studies, small group studies, and so on.

All […]