What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part Two

Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part Two

To bring everyone up to speed with last month’s article, a permission – giving church is one in which people are empowered to live out their spiritual gifts without having to ask for permission.[i] Last month we focused on what permission – giving churches are teaching me […]

Find a Partner, Play to Win – Lives!

On February 1, 2000, my heart pounded with excitement, gratitude and joy, as young, African American students from the Senior High across the street, walked tentatively over to the brick-framed house two congregations had purchased and had been remodeling for months. They were making it into a safe haven for after school activities for […]

The Problem with the Emergent Movement

By Bill Easum

This might not be the most popular article I’ve ever written but I feel the need to write it.

Brian McLaren has been a long time friend of EBA and has contributed much to the Christian scene. But lately I have been reevaluating my view of the Emergent/Emerging movement and I find it to […]

Suggestions for Christmas

Bill Easum

The Christmas season is just around the corner and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach unchurched people. I even think Christmas Eve is more important than Easter when it comes to reaching unchurched people.  People attend worship on Easter because it’s the thing to do- or it used […]

Helping Kids Cope – Equipping Parents

As parents begin to struggle through the emotions brought on by Hurricane Katrina, it’s important to remember that children are also impacted by the scenes they see played out on television, the words they hear spoken and the pictures they glimpse in the paper.

“Children are often more aware of what’s happening than we realize,” […]

Of Coaches, Consultants, and Pooled Ignorance

It happened again recently. I was in a large group of mainline church leaders who professed their interest in church transformation. We were all milling around the room waiting for the convener to launch the meeting, and the conversation was pensive. Then the “transformational church leader” stood up, thanked us for coming, and said, […]

The Missional Leader

By Roxburgh and Romanuk

Finally a book that not only describes the “missional church,” but also gives some hints as to how to develop such a culture. I’ve always been a fan of Alan Roxburgh, but this book is one of his best and most timely books.

He describes the missional church without throwing the baby […]

Five Things I Wish Every Small Group Leader Knew

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

In the North American House Church Movement there are all kinds of small group and House Church leaders, but we can pretty well divide them into two groups: Those with formal training (Bible college or seminary) and those without.  So far, in my experience and study, the ones without have far less […]

In the Wake of Complexity

The most profound change during my lifetime has been the shift from a mechanical to an organic worldview. My partner, Tom Bandy, and I have written extensively on this shift because it is changing the way every effective discipline views reality.* For Christian leaders this shift requires changing from being a mechanic to a […]