Empowered Passions

. . . in a New Language

A new language emerges out of the ashes of modernism. It is decidedly the language of metaphor, and it will definitely ride a wave of emotion.

This new language will involve all forms of communication in a sensory, emotional multimedia more real than reality itself. Like all arts, rituals, […]

New Wine Skins

Jesus taught that is the responsibility of every generation to reinvent the wineskins–the forms that hold the gospel. We are never to tinker with the wine of the gospel itself. We must be constantly creating new wineskins.

“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the new piece […]

Email: Friend or Foe

One of my most common ongoing battles with congregational leaders I work with is the effective use of emails/Facebook messages, etc. The age of less-is-more, microwaves, and 140-character communication hasn’t just arrived; it’s made itself at home in the church. And though it might be rather convenient, I’m seeing an alarming rise in misunderstandings […]

The Four Secrets to Team-Based Ministry

By Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church

There are some things you would never say out loud; even though you know they are true. The reason you don’t say them out loud is (despite the fact they are true) they just don’t sound right. If you uttered these secrets people will probably misunderstand you. In […]

Never Enough Leaders

It seems that the leading cause of flagging small group ministries is the consistent lack of available small group leaders. Depending on the size of the church, we always recommend starting a new small group (or Sunday school class) between semi-annually and monthly. These new groups are necessary to accommodate new people who would […]

Is Your Vision Building or Busting Your Church’s Growth?

In the quest of how to grow a church, there’s a pivotal yet often overlooked element: distinguishing your personal vision from your church’s. Think of it as the unsung hero of church leadership. Many pastors, in their heartfelt service, blur these lines, leading to a journey where their personal compass gets lost in the […]

Team Based Ministry


By Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church

There are some things you would never say out loud; even though you know they are true. The reason you don’t say them out loud is (despite the fact they are true) they just don’t sound right. If you uttered these secrets […]

Are Your Leaders Interested or Committed?

I was reading some business blogs the other day and came across one in Entrepreneur magazine. The president of Fusion Logistics, Joe Judson, was waxing eloquent on one of the measures of success, interest versus commitment, and it got my mind spinning about some church leaders I’ve worked with.

Many church leaders are interested in […]

Coming Out From Under Our Rocks: Returning to Active Ministry (and a few things you might not know about periodical cicadae)

Let me start by saying, “I am not an insect person.” I remember screaming my way into the house during Summers growing up in Pittsburgh, PA because I saw a grasshopper jump in our small yard. I can’t tell you how many times I tested my parents’ patience by refusing to go out to […]