Local Churches with High Capacity Church Multiplication Centers

By Linda Stanley

Recently, Leadership Network sponsored a briefing at Central Christian Church in Henderson, Nevada that included presentations from local churches that have high capacity church multiplication centers. These churches are participants in a five-year pilot project that was designed as a strategic partnership between each of them and Leadership Network. The project began […]

Bible Studies, Print

Alpha is a 15 session, including one weekend, course for introducing non-Christians to Christianity. Each session consists of a meal, one lecture, and small groups. There are 6,000 courses running now in 55 countries. I have heard only good things about this ministry. North America phone is 212-378-0292, 1029 East 50th Street, New […]

Inbox or Mailbox? Choosing Between Online & Offline Channels

To be a successful pastor or church leader, you have to be able to understand the needs of your community and personally connect with your congregation. You do this by communicating frequently and listening to what community members have to say—both at church and after they step outside of it.

But when you want to […]

Planned Giving for Churches: Crash Course and First Steps

Planned giving—you’ve likely heard of it before, but if you’re like many church leaders, administrators, and fundraisers, you haven’t considered trying it out yet.

This is a transformational church fundraising method that can deepen your relationships with congregants and ensure your church’s long-term financial stability. But is planned giving, also often called legacy giving, the […]

Deepen Your Congregation’s Spirituality Quotient

Back in the mid-1980s, while I was an undergraduate at Florida Baptist College, my professor, Dr. LeRoy Benefield, shared insights that have stayed with me to this day. He recounted a statement from Billy Graham, who estimated that only about 10% of active church members were faithful, practicing disciples of Jesus Christ. This revelation […]

Oh Be Careful Little Church … Where You Put Your Energy

It’s almost the Thanksgiving season. I can tell because the big box stores have become schizophrenic with Halloween Ghouls in one aisle and Christmas Trees and Nativities in the next. As a pastor of a church in a county seat the pressure was on to help plan, publicize, and participate in the local ecumenical […]

Three Hard Choices Effective Leaders Make

Effective church leadership is the most glamourless, thankless, and frustrating job on the planet.

I make that emphatic statement based on two observations. First, I’m unaware of any other sector, profit or non-profit, that is seeing 85 percent of all operation centers facing serious decline – and the leaders of course are shouldered with the […]

Apostolic Movements: Emerging Worship

Emerging Worship: Musings On A Much-Altered Landscape
by Sally Morgenthaler
Worship leader Kirk McPherson has had a tough week.  It’s Friday, 5:30
p.m., and things are only barely coming together for Sunday morning.
If it wasn’t one staff problem, it was another.  He wonders what he
might be able to pull out of his hat by Saturday night.   Hmmm – there
are […]

Simchurch – An Intriguing Read

I’ve found the fourth great book during my summer reading.

Simchurch is the first book I’ve read on the virtual church that makes theological sense. Although the theology isn’t deep it’s deep enough to sway even the most die-hard skeptic of the virtual church – if they keep an open mind (something hard for many […]