Turnaround Is Messy and Lonely

Turning a church around is a messy and lonely responsibility. I know because I did it three times and each time the early years were depressing enough to damped even the strongest spirit. When you consider where the church is and where it needs to go, attempting a turn around appears to be an […]

Invite a Friend this Easter

“82 percent of the unchurched are at least “some what likely” to attend church if they are invited. Perhaps we need to pause on this response. Perhaps we need to restate it: More than eight out of ten of the unchurched said they would come to church if they were invited. If you take […]

Bowman and Hall, When Not to Build

(Baker Book House, 1992) 156 pages, paperback, $9.99.

Anyone contemplating building should read this timeless book. The author is an architect who actually understands church growth. Most architects are not prepared to help decide whether or not it should build. Their job is to build buildings. This book can help a church building committee decide […]

Dare We Peek into the Future?

Recently, I received a phone call from an old client I had not heard from for several years. He called to ask if I had given any thought to making a new list of predictions about the future. He had just re-read my 1993 book entitled Dancing with Dinosaurs and was impressed that the […]

Resources for Youth

Search Institute, 700 South Third St., Minneapolis, MN 55415. Phone (800)888-7828. Write for their catalog. Their quarterly newsletter is called SOURCE and is worth ordering.
Search Institute. Phone (800)888-7828.
“The Troubled Journey: Full Report,” Peter L. Benson, Search Institute. Surveys 47,000 6th – 12th graders and suggests strategies for those working with youth.
, Shelby Andress, Search […]

Steps to Revitalization

For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone would try to turn a church around. I did and I’m glad I did. Still, when I consider that the vast majority of pastors who try either fail or lose their job, I have to wonder why they would try… or why I tried. […]

Why Today’s Churches Fail at Leadership Selection

Imagine stepping into a time machine and landing in the middle of one of the early church’s most pressing conflicts—a food pantry crisis that’s causing a rift within the congregation. This isn’t just any disagreement; it’s a pivotal moment that challenges the very fabric of church leadership and decision-making. This week, I want us […]

Building the Disciple-Driven Church


It seems that in most churches today, the leaders are drowning in tasks and responsibilities. This gets in the way of building a Disciple-Driven Church. For instance, The stewardship chair is preoccupied with budgets, the board chair is overwhelmed with meetings and agendas, and Sunday school teachers are fixated on their next lesson plan. […]

Benefits of Long Tenure

Benefits of Long Term Tenures
Bill Easum

I’ve been reading a book title “The Longview” by Parrott. When I picked it up I wasn’t sure I would read it. But then the first chapter caught my attention – “Lead as if you’ll be there forever.” Folks, this is one of the most important sentences a protestant […]