The Harvest is Waiting

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Jesus directly asked us to pray that more leaders would be sent out into their networks to reap a spiritual harvest.  Yet, I find most pastors seldom pray for leaders to go into the […]

Church Leader’s Five Must-Do’s for Every Day

It’s said that the average leader spends 80 percent of their time doing little that will further their mission. That means that the important stuff gets short shrift by a bunch. What would happen if the average leader spent 80 percent of their time on the real important stuff … on those tasks that […]

Church Leader’s Five Must-Do’s for Every Day

It’s said that the average leader spends 80 percent of their time doing little that will further their mission. That means that the important stuff gets short shrift by a bunch. What would happen if the average leader spent 80 percent of their time on the real important stuff … on those tasks that […]

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

You may have noticed there’s a recession … or at least some sort of a downturn in the economy. The price of gas is up. The price of utilities is up, and they say it’s going to get worse. The price of food is up. And with all of that, giving isn’t all that […]

Look to the Margins

According to Alan Roxburgh[1], the North American church in late modernity is firmly in liminal space…meaning that there is little that is firm or solid as we transition into a post-modern or post-colonial era.  “Liminality is a term that describes the transition process accompanying a change of state or social position,”[2] and our churches are […]


The most important thing to do … and you can do this in conversation with your various teams at church … is to decide what the missional goal of the sabbatical is. Frequently I find clergy unclear about this, and later they or the church discover the sabbatical was really just a healing or […]

Is 2011 Time to Get a Coach?

Bill Tenny-Brittian and I have room for a few more people to coach in 2011.  We limit the number of people we each coach, so if you’re interested, now is the time to contact us. You have your choice of either one of us at the moment.

Studies show that pastors who have a coach do […]

What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part One

 Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part One

Two years ago when I began writing Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers, I had no idea it would hit such a nerve with church leaders. I felt it would make an important contribution to developing thriving churches, but I never dreamed it would become one of […]

Staffing the Church

Like everything else in today’s world, the way spiritual redwood churches are staffing themselves is rapidly changing. Church leaders in declining churches are finding these changes extremely hard to comprehend, much less attempt. This inability to comprehend and make the necessary changes is a critical flaw in most declining churches. I think it is […]