Church and Culture

For our time together I want to be clear that my purpose is not instruction, but rather agitation. My entire goal is to get you to experience the freedom of cursing your monitor. If I fail, ask Bill for a refund.

Second, I want to have some fun. You may not appreciate my humor because […]

Why I’m So Hopeful about Church Planting

I’ve never been more hopeful about church planting in the U.S. as I am today. I couldn’t say this a decade ago. What changed my attitude – the growing trend of small to medium sized churches that are planting multiple churches that are expected to plant multiple churches.

Some examples of my hope are:

City […]

Leadership Lessons from the Movie Ender’s Game

I saw Ender’s Game on its opening day and fell in love with the movie. Not because I love sci-fi over all other movie genres (I do). Not because Harrison Ford is my favorite swashbuckling actor (he is). And not even because I thought it had a great plot, great writing, great acting, and […]

Interveiw for Ginkworld


I.     Introduction

A.      Let me contextualize my thoughts.

1.      It is my contention that the world, and especially North America, is more like the first century than the 20th century. If that is true, our strategies must be different and the world is ripe for a major new movement that could reshape the world. The question is […]


The nursery is one of the most important rooms in the church and should reflect the type of homes the parents have made for their children (or in some cases should be much better than). It should be on the same level as the worship area and should be located close to it. It […]

3 Tips to Engage Your Congregation in Ministry Fundraisers

When inspired, your congregation can accomplish impressive fundraising goals. However, passing the collection plate may not be enough to collect the funding that keeps your church programs and outreach running. In fact, recent research indicates that only 5 percent of Americans tithe. 

So how can your church encourage a culture of generous giving? In this […]

A Pastor’s Look at AI

In recent years, the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and tools like ChatGPT has stirred a significant buzz in various sectors, and the church is no exception. The word ‘Change’ often sends a shiver down the spine in church circles. It’s a concept that can be as daunting as it is exciting, especially […]

The Phases of a Church Planting Movement

Bill Easum

Over the past decade, a number of churches have initiated the beginnings of what could become one of the most significant movements in church history since the Reformation. I am running into multiple churches that have established church planting centers within them and have staffed their center with a full-time person in charge […]

Musings on Art and the relationship to Worship


There is a phenomenon in churches today—yes, yet another one.  The arts and worship.  I’m hearing about it, I’m experiencing it.  I am even teaching it.  And I am worried about it, a bit.  I suppose we are “a ways off” from church leaders completely usurping it, […]