When God Moves Into the Neighborhood

Imagine. A church of small groups that meet in homes, based on geography rather than affinity, whose purpose is to not only share life together around the Scriptures but also to transform the neighborhood or section of the city from which the small group is gathered by living out what it means to be […]

Developing the Leaders Under Your Nose

I suppose it’s out there somewhere, but I’ve never found it: the church that has more leaders than it knows what to do with. In fact, most churches I visit have a leadership vacuum. There appears to be more ministries and missions than there are dedicated disciples willing to lead them.

How can your church […]

Church Reputation: The Key to Church Growth and Attracting Visitors

The Transformative Power of Reputation

In the vast landscape of community institutions, churches hold a unique position. They are places of worship, community gathering, and often, outreach. Yet, despite their pivotal role, many churches remain virtually unknown in their communities. The key to bridging this gap and fostering growth? Building a solid reputation.

The Stark Reality: […]

Leadership Multiplication

I’m constantly asked what it takes to raise up more leaders or, to put it biblically, to make more mature disciples. And that’s good because leadership and discipleship multiplication are some of the most important ministries church leaders can undertake.  So I’m going to brush stroke the basics of a leadership culture. If you want […]

Worship in Postmodern World

Worship in a Postmodern Culture

Alan Roxburgh compares the lingering Christendom mindset among relevance-challenged clergy to a pleasure ride on the river Seine.  Picture, if you will, an ecclesiastical barge filled with graying church leaders, who, – between discussions about historical criticism, incomprehensible invocations, and hopelessly obtuse prayers – nod approvingly as the edifices of Christendom’s […]

The Spiritual Traveler: On a Journey Toward Wholeness

I, Randy, listen to many people throughout my day.  I listen to people in the dog park, in the coffee shop, in the diner, at the gym, and in line at the burrito stand.  I hear so many times from various people, “I am not religious, but I am very spiritual.”  I have wondered […]

Convergence of Spirit and Technology

Bill Easum

Throughout recorded history, the expansion of the Kingdom of God has mostly been in direct proportion to the convergence of the Spirit and technology. Three such convergences have occurred in recent recorded history: the Roman Empire, the printing press, and the World Wide Web. During the first two convergences, established religions—first Judaism and […]

Jesus Small Group Leader

A careful study of Jesus life and ministry reveals that Jesus core ministry was that of small group leader. He taught the masses; he helped and healed the many; he concentrated on the few. There seemed to be a kind of gravitational pull toward the small group. He often tried to get away from […]

What’s in a Name?

I was with a group of church planters recently, and the conversation around the table focused on naming the church. Most of the planters had already named their ministries, but a few were still in limbo… which can be a very good place to be.

So, if you haven’t yet named your church, or you’re […]