Is Church a Verb or Noun?

Is the word “church” a noun or a verb? How you answer this question explains whether you understand the Gospel or have totally missed its point.

So let’s start by asking a question –“Which image best portrays a church?”

Which one did you pick? By the conversations of most Christians it would appear to be the […]

Quick and Easy Mission Planning

By Guest Blogger: Jason Lewis from

Mission trips are an amazing opportunity for people young and old to travel and help people through the light of the Lord. They give you a broader perspective of the world and shake up your humdrum routine. Mission trips teach people about the importance of giving to those […]

Big Ol’ Post-It Notes

Every now and again, I’ll get a door-hanger hung on my door. Most of the time they’re advertisements for take-out pizza or Chinese. However, once upon a time, there’d be an ad for something a local church was doing. To be honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen either. I suspect it’s […]

While Nero Fiddled …

… Rome burned.
We all know that is not literal fact, but its imagery still reflects what is happening today to mainline Christianity. Too many of us are fiddling while our once relevant denominations are becoming irrelevance. We are constantly getting sidetracked from our main objective- making disciples who make disciples who change the world. […]

Directness Wins… at Least for Me

I’ve never been very good at catching subtle hints, but I was pretty good at laying them out there. For years, I worked with churches and tried to lead with gentle-ish suggestions, but little changed. It was in Loganville, Georgia where I intentionally made a change.

I was the pastor of a historic church on […]

What Mainline Pastors Can Learn from Non-Mainline Planters

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been conducting interviews with pastors of church planting churches, and a couple of things keep reoccurring in all of the interviews. I thought I would single them out and show what mainline denominations could learn from them.
Church Planting Common Denominators
A Kingdom orientation is the number one thing […]

The Only Goal for Church Success

There are some churches with great vitality in our nation.  That is awesome.  But most of you who read this, if you happen to go to church, are a part of a congregation that struggles.  Welcome to the 21st century American religious reality.

It is mind boggling how quickly the spiritual climate has changed.  Fifty […]

The Missing Piece for Making Disciples

It’s common for church people to resist the “ways of the world” when it impacts how we do church together.  At The Effective Church Group, we are always ready for push back when we express practical advice which arises from the reality of how human nature works.

We hear “It’ll never work; or it’s not […]

Thinking Like the Unchurched

I used to fish a lot. And one of the things I had to learn was to fish where there were fish. That makes sense. But to accomplish that I had to learn how to think like a fish. Fish don’t think, but if they did they wouldn’t think the way we do. If […]