Multiplication Ripples

I’ve been writing a lot about church multiplication because I believe it is the way Jesus would want us to lead our churches. At the heart of multiplication is the shift from an addition culture of gathering and accumulating to a multiplication culture of releasing and sending. In other words: starting self-propagating churches that […]

Turning Church Around

Turning around a church is not for the fainthearted or the impatient. Churches that have been experiencing decline also tend to experience rapid leader turnover.

In business, the fault of this rapid turnover tends to be laid at the feet of the leaders who get frustrated and move on. In churches, however, the turnover can […]

Weddings, Counseling


From Bill Easum in response to many posts

Don’t take this wrong but why are so many of you requiring yourself to do so much counseling?  Sounds as if some of you are investing more time in this than in reaching the unchurched, never churched and dechurched.  The more you insist on you doing three sessions with […]

Pastor and Staff

From Bill Easum

I would say that no matter what the circumstances, unless moral
failure, the loyalty of the staff must be to the senior pastor without
hesitation.  When a staff member cant do that they should leave for
good of the church.

It means never, ever, contradicting whatever the staff decides at the
staff table. it means praying for one […]

Sanctuary at Home

by Bill Tenny-Brittian

In the early church (as well as in Judaism), the home was a sacred place. It was in a very real sense a refuge from the rough-n-tumble outside world. The home was also the center of a Christian family’s faith life. It was the sanctuary where the presence of the Spirit could […]

Church Planting Movements

1. We ask this question of everyone, and the (diversity) in the answers (is) wonderful – how would you define the “postmodern movement?”

I define the postmodern movement by what it has caused to happen rather than trying to describe it. Postmodernism seems to have caused three things to happen. We live in a time […]

The Phases of a Church Planting Movement

Bill Easum

Over the past decade, a number of churches have initiated the beginnings of what could become one of the most significant movements in church history since the Reformation. I am running into multiple churches that have established church planting centers within them and have staffed their center with a full-time person in charge […]

Worship and Learning Styles

Once upon a time, I used to teach. It was a one room schoolhouse with up to twelve kids ages preschool through seniors in high school. I taught the ABCs, 123s, algebra, trig, chemistry, history, social sciences, and pretty much everything else. In order to make this gig work, I was trained in what […]

The Path to Becoming a Successful Church Consultant

I don’t know what the deal is, but over the past couple of weeks we’ve been inundated with requests from current pastors who have become interested in becoming church consultants. I’ve responded personally, but I think there’s enough interest that I wanted to set the record straight about what it takes to be a […]