Who Is My Neighbor?

When I was growing up, if I wanted to play football I had to go out into the neighborhood and put together a team. Playing ball was a neighborhood sport.  Not so anymore. Consider the following.

Today most children who want to play football are driven to an organized program that may consist of children […]

The Six Most Common Mistakes Pastors Make and What to do About Them

Over the years I’ve seen pastors make the same mistakes over and over. Every time I see these mistakes I can almost bet their church is declining. So I thought I would share with you the six most common mistakes I see pastors doing and what to do about it.

Mistake Number One: Not making […]

Hospitality Gone Awry

Sometimes you just can’t win.

After a year of talking about what it takes to be a welcoming church, this image suggests one step forward and two steps back.

To be honest, this congregation set their own table … I didn’t make any recommendations about their Sunday morning refreshment selection, and as you can see it […]

It’s Out! (And What People Are Saying)

Our new book, Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, is now on sale in print, for Kindle, and maybe for Nook on November 1. Many have pre-ordered and we thank you. We believe it is one of our best books to date.  Rick Warren thought so too, writing, “This book is a winner.”


We are getting […]

A VR Reformation

I’ve got a birthday coming up and for years when my wife Debbie would ask me what I wanted as a gift my response was always the same. ”Nutin”. I did elaborate by saying, “I don’t want or need a thing.” And I really didn’t. When she asked me that question this year, I […]

Describing What’s Happening Today

I had a conversation today with a lady in an Ontario bookstore where they were doing a book signing for some of my books.  We were talking about a couple of new books that I had recommended: And: The Gathered and Scattered Church and Exponential, neither of which are on Amazon.ca yet. She said, I guess […]

Church: Know Thyself

Only the pastor knew I was coming to spend Sunday morning with the church. As a secret shopper, my job was to experience the church as a first-time guest. I knew what time the services started and I had the address of the church. My GPS got me to the church without issue, but […]

Reggie McNeal, The Present Future

McNeal, ReggieThe Present Future: Six Tough Questions

It is not often a book plows new grounds. McNeal has succeeded in doing so. McNeal shares his thoughts on six emerging trends occurring today. While the trends are not new, the depth to which he develops them is new and powerful. This book is one of the […]

Network TV and Mainline Churches

Mainline churches could take a lesson from what has been and is happening to network TV.

Remember when there were only three TV networks? ABC, CBS, and NBC. They had a monopoly on the television market. Sound familiar, mainline church? Up until the 1960s, mainline denominations had as close to a monopoly on the market […]