My Blog: Now You See It; Now You Don’t

For some reason recent articles on my blog have disappeared. I know that because several of you have emailed me asking where to find certain posts that are no longer on the blog.

We had a worm in the transferring of our servers from one location to another so we guess that is what happened.

It’s […]

Youth Aren’t the Future of Your Church

Today, I’m going to address two more of the top six tactical mistakes churches make. Keep in mind these aren’t criticisms. They are, like the blog says, observations. I’ve worked in almost 1,000 churches in the past twenty years. I know that doesn’t make me an expert but it does give some credibility to my observations.
When […]

Does Every Group Need a Leader?

I received an email today from a client asking me if every group, even a micro group, needed an identified leader. Here is my response.It’s been my experience that no group functions at its peak without an identified leader. Even in a group of three or four, someone will emerge as first among equals […]

Directness Wins … At Least for Me

I’ve never been very good at catching subtle hints … but was pretty good at laying them out there. For years, I worked with churches and tried to lead with gentle-ish suggestions, but little changed. It was in Loganville, Georgia where I intentionally made a change.

I was the pastor of a historic church on […]

A Guest-Friendly Website

Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church’s website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I’d share it here. A “tiny” bit of this is pretty technical, but even a novice will find some tips to help tighten up your site. (BTW, […]

The Toughest Ministry of All … Singles

Over the years, it’s become clear to me that the single most difficult ministry in a local church is just that … singles. Those “College and Career” groups are literally just killer. Of course, one of my “answers” is always to focus on life-transforming small groups and then let the good times roll from […]

Tom Bandy, Mission Mover

Mission MoverTom Bandy

“Mission Mover” comes from the heart of a veteran pastor, national denominational leader, seminary educator, and acclaimed consultant with over 30 years experience in mission all over North America and beyond. His heart bursts for young and old, newcomers to Christ and veterans of the church, who long to free themselves from […]

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 3

For the week of March 21, 2005

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 3: The Lack of Trust

By: John Laster

There are three common, interrelated barriers to more effective leadership teams: the absence of a shared DNA, the presence of fear, and a lack of trust within the team itself.

Lack of trust among leadership team members […]

Excerpt 1: From “Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope”, by Brian D. McLaren

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

The security strategy of Jesus clearly involved a radical break from that of Rome and the various parties in his own nation, whether the violent Zealots, the accommodating Sadducees and Herodians, the blaming Pharisees, or the withdrawing and isolating Essenes. Rather than an aggressive and offensive empire, or a submissive or passive […]