How Vile Are You Willing To Be?

I became a Methodist because I read John Wesley during one of my desert periods. As a result I decided to join the United Methodist Church.  But over the years I’ve learned that United Methodists aren’t very Methodist, at least not by Wesley’s standards. We aren’t vile enough. Let me explain.

When Whitefield invited Wesley […]

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Work

I received a couple of emails this weeks inquiring about an onsite consultation. They told me their sad story (and believe me, it was sad and detailed) and then asked if I could help. I gave them a quick overview of what issues I saw in what they said and then said one of […]

If You Have a Blurry Vision, You Have a Bleak Future

You’ve heard me say it before. If you’ve got to herd cats, you’ll need a bigger mouse.

Your church cats will chase the biggest mouse in the room, and if your Big Mouse Vision is smaller than someone else’s, you’ll lose their attention every time. The wise and successful pastor stays on his/her knees until […]

How to Meet Unchurched People

One of the questions I’m asked most often by the folks I’m coaching is this: “Where and how do I connect with unchurched people?” This question is in response to my trying to get pastors to spend more time with unchurched people, especially pastors in churches under 500 in worship. I want to address […]

The “New” World and the 2 Percent

I’m at the World Convention of the Christian Churches and attended the Bader Lecture. This year, Ashley and Anji Barker of Urban Neighbors of Hope. Ashley and John Hayes wrote the book Submerge several years back, based on the commitment they have made to urban ministry. The main difference between their ministry and other […]

The 20 Percent Who Could

The stats aren’t pretty. In fact, they’re pretty deplorable. But they’re nonetheless accurate. Eighty percent of all Pastoral Size to Program Size church transformations fail – 80 percent. A Pastoral Sized church is one in which the pastor is essentially the end-all, be-all of the congregational expectations. They attend virtually every function and event. […]

Communication Hub

For the week of November 07, 2005

Communication “Hub”

By: Tom Bandy

Traditional church buildings were designed for curriculums rather than conversations. In other words, ecclesiastical architects assumed worshippers would go immediately to Sunday school rooms, or return for midweek Bible study sessions, or gather routinely in community centers. Christians did not really need to converse over […]

Thoughts on the Way Forward for UMC

The United Methodist Church is on the verge of schism. No one wants to call it that, but that’s the direction we’re going. At the moment, three “ways forward” are being presented. Option One is essentially to stay the course and hold those accountable who do not follow the constitution. Option Two, rewrites the […]

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 1

For the week of March 07, 2005

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams: Part 1: The Absence of Shared DNA

By: John Laster

There are three common, interrelated barriers to more effective leadership teams: the absence of a shared DNA, the presence of fear, and a lack of trust within the team itself.

The concept of “shared DNA” contains […]