Church of the 21st Century

By Bill Easum

As this millennium nears conclusion, many church leaders are concerned about the characteristics of the Christian Church in the 21st century. Although no one can describe this church with certainty, it is possible to make some educated guesses based on what we see beginning to work in the latter part of the […]

Navigating the Unchartered Waters of Social Distancing

From the May-June Issue of Net Results Magazine

By Bil Cornelius

When word came down from state and local authorities banning public gatherings of ten or more people, the church needed to spring into action. The Bible calls us to corporate gatherings, to meet weekly in the temple courts and worship together. But it also calls […]

New Wine Skins-Part 2

In the ancient world there were no glass or plastic bottles, instead people would put liquids into animal skins that were sewn together and used like canteens. Eventually these skins would become brittle, and rupture, spilling out the liquid.Jesus referred to these wineskins when teaching his early followers and us about change.

And no one […]

The Number One Problem with Western Christianity: McGavran and Disciple Making

We all know 85% of churches in the West are in decline, so I wont go into that other than to say I know the cause for this decline. The number one problem with Western Christianity rests on its misunderstanding of the Church Growth movement and the liberalization of the Western Church. Let me […]

No Pain, No Gain

ure, it’s a cliché. No doubt about it. But it doesn’t make it any less true.

Although the pastor had been there for a couple years, he was just one in a long line of bullied leaders. No one had any idea what to do about her, but she’d been known to brag about the […]

Halloween Outreach 2021

When I was a kid, Halloween was always a very special night in our neighborhood. We would dress up in costume, go trick or treating and we would always make sure we went to the door of the “good house” on our block. The goodhouse was the one whose owner handed out the best […]

Coaching Tip: Keep a Leadership Journal

Some people are more organized than I am and do things in a more disciplined fashion. Many of these people find it helpful to keep a “Leadership Journal” in which to chronicle their leadership development as it happens.

In this journal a person might put the following:

1. Cause and Effect events. “I responded this way […]

The Inner Qualities of a Great Leader

One of the things that has become clearer the further we go into this gray world is the importance of the inner character of great leaders. Their inner character is what makes their actions so profound to those around them.  It’s not that they have a better I. Q., or education, or more money, […]

Five Secrets to Getting Volunteers to Perform

The Easter egg hunt should have been a huge success. Over 250 kids showed up and there were young parents by the bushel in attendance. But the pastor was beside himself. “It’s not that we have trouble getting people to volunteer. We had over twenty people say they’d be here to help – but only […]