The Best Thing Ever Said about Me

I’m doing a seminar in a large church in the south. I’m nearing the end of the second of five days and speaking to the congregations when someone raises their hand and says “What you’re saying suggests you’re a young man in an old man’s body.”  He was referring to my understanding of the new world […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Six: Why It’s Next to Impossible for Mainline Churches

The issue of church multiplication is either a mystery or an unknown to most mainline pastors and denominational leaders. Most of them are simply trying to survive, so the gap between survival and multiplication is wider than the Grand Canyon.

But what would have to happen to make multiplication possible for mainline churches?

There would […]

Six Lessons from Interview with Brian Bolt

In a span of ten years, Brian Bolt has gone from starting one Recovery Home to planting more than 50 churches with 30 plants scheduled to be launched on one day in September of this year (2016). How does one church planter go from launching one church plant to almost 100 churches in ten […]

What Should You Measure

By Bill Easum

I just finished a book by Bill Hoyt titled Effectiveness by the Number (Abingdon) in which he makes one of the most important statements I’ve read to date –“churches are notorious for not being results oriented.” Bingo. There you have it.  Churches tend to just float along not measuring anything other than […]

Pipeline or Drainpipe Discipleship?

Does your ministry look more like a drainpipe than a pipeline for making disciples?

In a world like today, where more and more people are growing up outside the influence on a church, this could be the most important question you will ever ask if you’re a pastor. So what kind of ministry is a […]

Wish Me a Merry Christmas – I Dare You

There seems to be a movement underfoot to discourage people from wishing one another a Merry Christmas. “We don’t want to offend anyone, so let’s water it down and just say ‘Happy Holidays’.”  Hmmmmm.  Something’s wrong with this picture.

To wish someone a Merry Christmas is the same as proclaiming the “good news of great […]

What Do You Measure?

The old adage, “you get what you measure,” holds true both in business and in the church. Obviously it might appear to be easier to develop measurement metrics for a business than a church, but is it? I don’t think so.

When I was a pastor, we always measured elements based on our vision. Our […]

Want Popcorn with Your Worship?

Prior to March 11, my wife and I went to the cinema almost every Friday. Thankfully, we mostly have the same taste in movies, so we saw a lot of action and adventure, some mystery, an occasional sci-fi, some rom-coms, and even a few Hallmark wannabe’s. A bucket of popcorn and the largest diet […]

EBA Leadership Tip


by Jeff Patton

“Surrender is not the best way to live.  It is the only way to live.  Nothing else works.  All other approaches lead to frustration, disappointment and self-destruction.”   The Purpose Driven Life  by Rick Warren, “The Heart of Worship” p. 96 (Electronic Version).
 All to Jesus,
I surrender,
All to Him I freely give
 Really?   All?  To Jesus?

There are […]