What I’ve Learned About Evangelism Over Five Decades

I led my first person to Christ in 1956 on a street corner in Austin Texas. I was seventeen and on fire. I used the Four Spiritual Laws and asked him to let Christ into his heart and behold he was a new person. I met the person years later and he was still […]

Helpful Questionnaire

…most helpful to your ministry today? * How to free up my schedule so I can invest time in life-changing activities. How to increase the number of first-time visitors in…

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline into a Multiplication Movement

Mainline Christianity has been in a free fall decline since the mid 1960s.  Some want to blame it on a changing culture; others say it’s the way all organizations go sooner or later; while others just throw up their hands and give up the ghost.

The truth is, we don’t believe any of these excuses […]

Three Easters a Year through Double Day

Most worship growth comes in spurts rather than in increments. So it’s important to have two or three major pushes a year designed to grow your church forward in a significant way.

When I was pastor, I tried to plan for two or three Easters a year.   We called them “Double Days.” We would do […]

Heads Up about The Nines

This is a heads-up about a great event coming up on September 9 called The Nines. This is its second year. The only change is that every video will be under 6 minutes and they will be from some of the best church leaders in the country – and yes, I am one of the […]

Fall Interviews with World-Class Leaders

Our fall interview lineup for Coaching for Busy People is now set.  It is an excellent group of world class leaders.

We have already begun the lineup with Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church in Vista, CA, who talks about his book Sticky Teams, which is one of the best books I’ve read in 30 […]

Time Management for Church Leaders

One of top questions we’ve heard during the Only Four Things Grow Churches tour has to do with the allocation of the pastor’s time. When we suggest that a pastor leading a church of under 450 needs to spend between 70 – 80 percent of their time networking with the unchurched, the grumbling becomes […]

Questions for Church Planters

Getting a head start on your church plant is critical.  How you approach the first years will usually determine the ultimate outcome.

How many honest spiritual conversations have you had with thoroughly unchurched people in the past 90 days?
How many unchurched people have you personally brought to Christ (not just to a worship […]

Why I Hate and Love Church at the Same Time

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to church.  I love the way God designed his church.  I hate the way church often looks when it ceases to be the church God designed.

Do you understand why I say this?  How do you feel about church if you go to church?  How do you […]