The Four Core Processes

I mentioned two things when I spoke one Thursday afternoon in Baltimore: there are only four things that grow a church, and I had never seen a church doing those four things that wasn’t growing. In fact, I challenged my listeners to put those four things in place. I said if they didn’t grow […]

Creative and Effective Sermon Titles

I think I’ve convinced myself that the most difficult sermon preparation task (and one of the most important) is coming up with great sermon titles (and sermon series titles). Your sermon’s title is of critical importance if you’re depending on word of mouth marketing, using your outdoor church announcement sign, or planning to run any sort […]

To Make Disciples You Must Look Like a Disciple

My bucket list is now empty.  Jesus can take me home.  My wife and I took a trip of a lifetime to Alaska.  It was a group trip at times which means it didn’t always feel like a vacation.  Sometimes it seemed like church – at its worst.

We gathered onto a motor coach in […]

How to Start Conversations – Even If You Live in New York

When I’m coaching or consulting and make the recommendation that pastors need to spend significant time hanging out wherever it is their targets are hanging out, it tends to raise a host of questions. Where should I hang out? When? What do I need to stop doing so that I have time?

All those are […]

Vision Unlocks Your Church’s Potential

Hey, ever wonder why some churches are magnetic while others seem stuck? The secret ingredient is VISION! Vision is the fuel that powers your church’s engine. It’s not just a tagline or a catchy phrase. It’s a roadmap that guides your congregation toward its God-given potential. When you have a compelling vision, you’re not […]

Ready to Level Up Your Church Growth?

Ready to take your church to the next level? I’ve got just the thing for you.

Hey, Bill here. If you’re loving this week’s content, you’ll want to check out “Four Key Strategies for Church Growth.” It’s not just a guide; it’s a game-changer. It builds on everything we’ve talked about this week and […]

Trust the Process

Want to change your church culture? Trust me, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

Hey folks, it’s Bill. Changing culture is tough, but it’s the most rewarding journey you’ll ever embark on. It starts with behavioral covenants—agreements that guide how we treat each other. Trust the process; the results will follow. It’s not an […]

Navigating the Unchartered Waters of Social Distancing

From the May-June Issue of Net Results Magazine

By Bil Cornelius

When word came down from state and local authorities banning public gatherings of ten or more people, the church needed to spring into action. The Bible calls us to corporate gatherings, to meet weekly in the temple courts and worship together. But it also calls […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Introduction – Chapter 06

I forget who first said it but “culture eats strategy every time.” Church culture is the intersection of vision, values, narrative, leaders, and practices that characterize and guide an organization as shown in the graphic.

The reason any kind of major change is so difficult and takes so long is because of culture. A church’s […]