When a Ministry Leader Fails

The pastor was nearly spitting nails. She’d entrusted a congregational member to lead what should have been an exceptionally effective outreach event. But by 4 PM the afternoon of the event, it was clear that almost nothing had been done to prepare for the ministry and as you can imagine, that meant the whole […]

Who’s Your Nominating Chair?

I was reading Luke 6 this morning and was struck by verse 12:
One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
This passage immediately precedes the calling of the twelve apostles and it is one of only two times the Gospels mention Jesus going away […]

Why Multi-Site Churches are Crucial to the Future

Here are our reasons for believing that multiple site ministries will be one of the driving forces of the 21st century.

1. Many established churches are starting to grow when they get a young pastor with fire and they don’t have enough land to grow. Moving is too costly emotionally for the older crowd, so […]

The Basic Law of Congregational Life

Over the past twenty-five years I’ve worked with almost seven hundred churches of all sizes and locations. Most in the U.S. but some in Canada, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, and Ghana. And one overarching truth has emerged from my experiences in these churches – I call this truth  The Basic Law of Congregational Life. […]

Cyber Security for the Church?!

By Guest Blogger Craig Huss

Published in Net Results Magazine, Nov-Dec 2019

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving, known as GivingTuesday, is a day set aside for people to support the organizations, causes and communities that mean the most to them – often through charitable online donations.

It’s a significant time for religious organizations, which are the nation’s largest […]

Pushing the Limits of Possibilities

By Bill Easum

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13. I wonder how many church leaders really believe this? More importantly, I wonder how many live as if they believe it? This text raises several questions-“What would I change about my life if I truly incorporated this text into my life?” […]

Retaining First-Time Guests

Getting people in your church’s door for the first time isn’t easy these days, but getting them to return a second and third time is even more difficult. However, you can do a few things that greatly raise the return rate.

The following is a seven step response to first time guests.

Step One:

Immediately following a […]

Was Your Father’s Day Service Special?

Let’s face it, guys. Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the,“I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Father’s Day was first proposed in 1909 by a grateful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father, a Civil War veteran, singlehandedly raised six children after his wife died in […]

18 Years to Win Gold

Last night the Chinese couple Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won an Olympic gold medal in the pairs free program figure skating competition. That’s a major accomplishment. But when you realize they had been skating for the gold for 18 years and both were in their 30s, it’s close to miraculous.

As I listened to the announcer, […]