To Whom Do Teams Report?

From Bill Easum

Ministry Teams report to different people in different size churches. In small church to the pastor. In a large church to a variety of people. Core teams (those you cannot exist without) report to a staff person who also meets with them or stays in close touch with them. Other teams report […]

Four Things that Keep People Out of Your Church

I suspect no church intentionally goes about barring their doors to keep new people out, but given the poor first-time visitor numbers in most churches, it sometimes seems like that might be the case. A healthy, growing church should be seeing enough first-time visitors each week that they make up 3 percent or more […]

Peer Coaching 101

There’s recently been a wave of interest by judicatories in starting Peer Coaching events among their church leaders. With the inevitable failure of the “Let’s assign the new kid an experienced pastor to mentor them” program, peer coaching seems like the next best thing since frozen Snicker bars. The problem is, although Peer Coaching […]

Take Newcomers Down a Different Pathway

For the week of October 31, 2005

Take Newcomers Down a Different Pathway

By: Paul Nickerson

One effective way of changing the core discipleship pattern in a congregation is to begin with those who are new to your church. While long-term members often find it difficult to think of “doing church” in any way different from the […]

Are You Making These Five Hospitality Mistakes?

They had a problem. A BIG problem.

More than nine out of ten first-time visitors who walked through the door never returned. It was like their visitors walked in, took a quick look around, and maybe even kicked the tires and hung out for worship, but once they left the building, their sentiments were, “Cross that church […]

Scripture Verse of the Year

As each New Year approaches, I take a day to get away to pray and ask God to put on my heart a Biblical verse that is to be my personal scripture verse of the year. I memorize it, meditate on it, preach on it, and seek to live it out in practice throughout […]

Multi-Site – Trend or Fad???

Last week I was in Eugene Oregon at Wayne Cordeiro’s farm working with Leadership Network.  There were two other mentors like Wayne and myself along with around 20 25-35 year old pastors.  All of them were outside of the mainstream, were leading growing churches, and were multi site or were getting ready to go […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part One

Over the next few days, I will be blogging on the essentials to breaking the following worship barriers – 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 people in worship.  Today I will begin by listing the essentials for breaking 200.

Breaking the 200 in Worship Barrier.

A full-time worship leader who functions also as a pastor to those […]

A Multi-Site Church Road Trip

Leadership Network is doing a blog tour for the new book, A Multi-Site Church Road Trip, by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird.  I have been asked to participate with the bloggers.  I was asked to submit a question to which the three would respond.

Here is my question to Geoff, Greg, and Warren.

“What […]