The #1 Church Website Blunder

… and a quick reminder on numbers two, three, and four. Take a look at these pictures. These are screenshots of the main front pages for two random church websites I took a look at.

Notice anything? It’s more than an elephant in the room… it’s the elephant in the picture. The big, beautiful picture […]

Spiritual Leadership

Today’s environment requires leaders to be spiritual directors rather than teachers or CEO’s.

Being a spiritual director is different from being a teacher. Teachers impart knowledge to their students. Spiritual directors walk with fellow travelers on their personal journey of experiencing God, not to impart knowledge, but to assist the traveler in their own discovery […]

Six signs of a Spiritually Dead Church

By Bill Easum

For much of the past three decades, denominational officials have been promoting seminars and programs aimed at revitalizing the church. I know because I have been the speaker or consultant to many of these groups. For many of these leaders, their goal was to breathe new life into churches experiencing declining memberships […]

Working Around the Pareto Leadership Principle

One of the most frequent concerns we hear, when working with congregational transformation, is “We don’t have enough people to do all the ministries.” Interestingly, when we investigate, we’ll hear these same words from both staff and volunteers – as well as from church members who are only marginally involved.

Using the Pareto Principle as […]

It’s 2.5 Minutes to Midnight

We live in a crazy world. It seems everything has been turned upside down since the election of Donald Trump. Truthfully, I don’t know if this is good or bad. I guess we will have to wait and see. What I do know is I have come to distrust what I read or see […]

Focus Groups

Some churches still find Focus Groups helpful in identifying the ministry needs of the market place.  Here is my take on Focus Groups.
 The purpose of a focus group is to identify the attitudes, concerns, issues, hopes, dreams, and needs of the group of people you have brought together for the focus group.  From this […]

We’re Living in Strange Times

If you’ve lived through 9/11 and 2008 you know what I mean about strange times. If you don’t know, no need to read any further. You’ve got too much sand in your ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us.

We’re living in a time of exaggerated contradictions.

At the very time many of […]

What is Leadership?

What is the one thing a leader needs the most to succeed? If we have the answer to that question, everything else falls into place. So here goes. The thing most needed for someone to succeed as a leader is a deep conviction that what they are attempting is God’s plan for them at […]

The Sudan Project

For the past six Christmas seasons, Pastor Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church in Tipp City, Ohio, has been calling attendees of his church to spend only half as much as they would normally spend on their own family’s Christmas and to bring the rest in for a Christmas Miracle Offering to serve the people […]