Where I Am In Life and the Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned

Several friends have emailed me recently about my station in life and what my plans are for the future. Those who know me well know my health is fair for a 78 year old and that I’m finding it hard to sit on planes for very long (I’ve only been on a plane three […]

Easter Evangelism

As I looked over the crowded sanctuary my heart was instantly gladdened by both the lack of comfortable seating and the colorful array of Easter attire. There seemed to be a glow of warmth that was infectious as we launched into our annual retinue of Alleluias and Up From the Grave singspiration. A bonnet […]

“I’m Not Being Spiritually Fed!”

When I served as a pastor – and in almost every church I served – one of the complaints I occasionally heard was that someone wasn’t being spiritually fed. Apparently, that’s not a new problem. Paul addressed the issue with the Corinthians and the writer of Hebrews addressed it as well. Apparently, those who complained […]

The Blueprint of Your Church’s Future

What’s the blueprint for your church’s future? Let’s unpack it!

A vision isn’t just a lofty idea; it’s a concrete plan. It’s the framework that helps you make informed decisions, engage your community, and create a lasting impact. Think of it as the architectural plan for your church’s future. It’s the blueprint that guides every […]

Creative and Effective Sermon Titles

I think I’ve convinced myself that the most difficult sermon preparation task (and one of the most important) is coming up with great sermon titles (and sermon series titles). Your sermon’s title is of critical importance if you’re depending on word of mouth marketing, using your outdoor church announcement sign, or planning to run any sort […]

Public Prayer: A Brief How-To Guide

There’s more to public praying than just heeding some “thou shalt nots.” For example, thou shalt not use the words ‘Lord’ or ‘just’ as commas between long, run-on sentences: (“We just pray, Lord, that you would just hear our prayers, Lord, and just touch the hearts and souls of the congregation, Lord…”) and thou shalt […]

It’s Not About the Better Burger

At about the time I started my first church, I read a book targeted for the business world entitled, The E Myth by Michael Gerber. In it, the author states that 85% of new businesses fail in their first year and then over 80 percent of those that survived the first year will close […]

The “New” World and the 2 Percent

I’m at the World Convention of the Christian Churches and attended the Bader Lecture. This year, Ashley and Anji Barker of Urban Neighbors of Hope. Ashley and John Hayes wrote the book Submerge several years back, based on the commitment they have made to urban ministry. The main difference between their ministry and other […]

Taking Hospitality from Good to Great

What is church hospitality?  Is it unique from other hospitality?  What about the rather significant emphasis on hospitality in the Bible?  Let’s be honest, most churches are fortunate to have good hospitality, not great.  Okay, most congregations have poor hospitality when it comes to loving the stranger, the first time guest.

For me, the pivotal […]