Network TV and Mainline Churches

Mainline churches could take a lesson from what has been and is happening to network TV.

Remember when there were only three TV networks? ABC, CBS, and NBC. They had a monopoly on the television market. Sound familiar, mainline church? Up until the 1960s, mainline denominations had as close to a monopoly on the market […]

Church of the 21st Century

By Bill Easum

As this millennium nears conclusion, many church leaders are concerned about the characteristics of the Christian Church in the 21st century. Although no one can describe this church with certainty, it is possible to make some educated guesses based on what we see beginning to work in the latter part of the […]

A Mainline Turnaround

Lyle Schaller Lyle Schaller just continues to turn out exceptional books.  A Mainline Turnaround is another one.  It is full of research and insights all of which will make it easier to turn a church around and get it on a productive course.  The longest chapter is on designing the actual turnaround.  Several of the chapters are on specific […]

Mergers, Past and Present

According to Leadership Network, 2% of all U.S. Protestant churches have merged in the last two years and 8% more are planning on it within the next two years.  That represents some 30,000 churches. Is this a trend or a blurp?

In 2003 Dave Travis and I wrote briefly about mergers in our book Beyond […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part III

So far we have examined the Emergent and Incarnational Movements. Today we examine the Organic movement.

The Organic Movement

The Organic movement is a kissing cousin to the Incarnational movement and a distant cousin to the Emergent movement. Compared to the other two movements it sees little to no need for the institutional church. But unlike the […]

Christ-Centered Pastors Don’t Make Disciples or Care for People

That’s right, you read it correctly – Christ-centered pastors don’t make disciples, nor do they take care of people.   Instead, they do what Jesus did: they equip others to make disciples and to care for people. These pastors would rather equip ten people to make disciples than to make disciples themselves. Disciple-making and caring for […]

A Kingdom Mindset Is What We Need

A Kingdom Mindset is What We Need

By: Bill Easum

The other day a church planter told me “Now that we are up and running and growing we’ve had several churches in the area say: ‘Hey, it looks like we’re in competition now.’ No one seemed to worry about us when we were just starting but […]

Key Questions for Our Time

In 2000, I prepared a presentation for the Society for Church Growth in which I asked what I then considered to be some of the key questions of our time.  In looking back over these questions I find they are still the key questions with which Western Christianity is wrestling. You be the judge if […]

Five Secrets to Getting Volunteers to Perform

The Easter egg hunt should have been a huge success. Over 250 kids showed up and there were young parents by the bushel in attendance. But the pastor was beside himself. “It’s not that we have trouble getting people to volunteer. We had over twenty people say they’d be here to help – but only […]