Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian

McLaren, BrianA New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritua

A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey, by Brian D. McLaren, (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 2001), 173 pages, hardback, $21.95. Obtain from Jossey-Bass Publishing, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104-1342,

My guess is […]

The Changing Times: Track 3 Questions

For the past decade I have said that we are nearing the time when it will no longer be true that the vast majority of people are converted before the age of 18. I think by the year 2050, that the majority of people will be converted after the age of 18. If this […]

Five Secrets to the First-Century Church

When I read the Acts of the Apostles I am constantly reminded that the early Church exhibited five basic attributes that are missing today in most declining congregations.  But when I see these five attributes alive and well in a congregation, that church is almost always growing and reaching out to the lost. […]

Everett M. Rogers, Diffusions of Innovations

Rogers, Everett M.Diffusion of Innovations

(New York, NY: Free Press, 1995) 519 pages, paperback, $32.95 . Obtain from The Free Press, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

One of the classic books on change and how innovation actually causes change within a system. Although much of […]

A Second Conversation with Ralph Moore

Not long ago I did a post on my conversation with Ralph Moore of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. In this conversation I asked Ralph if what I had heard was true – that at times he has given away a sizable portion of his existing congregation to plant churches and did some of them […]

Retreating Spiritually

I talked with a pastor who was struggling with personal problems that were affecting his pastoral work.  In spite of his problems, God blessed the church’s cell ministry, and it grew slowly and steadily. But I noticed that the underlying personal struggles were taking a toll on his ministry. “I’d be willing to leave the pastorate, […]

Attracting Men To Your Church

Some years ago, after reading David Murrow’s book, “Why Men Hate Going to Church”, I realized that most people assume that men are just less religious than women, but this is untrue. Other religions have little trouble attracting males and Jesus was a magnet to men. But today, few men are living for Christ, […]

Apprenticing Future Leaders

When it comes to discipleship, those of us called to do ministry in the Western Hemisphere are encumbered with what I call a “content fetish.” We have been consumed with focusing on content as if we could teach discipleship.  All we need to do is get our people into a classroom, teach them how to […]

A New Scorecard for Churches in Any Age

Scorecards are valuable in any game because they tell you whether or not you’re winning. If it is important to know if you’re winning in a game, how much more important is it to know if you are “winning” as a church? It eternally matters!

I’m one of those people who believes that if you […]