Does Prayer Make a Difference?

An original Post from one of our online forums

We’ve been dealing with the issue of prayer the last couple of months in our Lead Team meetings. While prayer is a part of everything we do (more prayer at worship than announcements), one of my leaders in particular is really wrestling with the issue of […]

The New Testament Model of Stewardship of Money

The New Testament (NT) model of stewardship is tied not to money but to how people live out their lives.  This article just takes one part of stewardship – money.

The New Testament model of stewardship of money is based not on what you give but on what you keep.  Pledging to a budget is […]

Children’s Ministry: A Key Issue for Growing a Church

One of the key issues facing most children’s ministry today is the environment in which the teaching takes place.  Most dying churches have what I call “stale environments.” Kids are expected to enter a classroom, sit down, and be still as if they are supposed to study.  The rooms are void of any data […]

EBA Leadership Tip


By: Bill Easum

In Modernity humans were the great observers. What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong. The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth was merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around […]

Quantum Physics and Leadership

In Modernity humans were the great observers.  What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong.  The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth is merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around the earth; […]



In Modernity humans were the great observers. What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong. The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth was merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around the earth; […]

It Takes More than Just an Hour

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

My mechanical aptitude and abilities are legendary at The Rock. Master Mechanic Randy Stewart (and others) seldom lets me forget that I went to add power steering fluid to my car one afternoon and poured the oil into the brake master cylinder—not a good thing. Randy, God bless his soul, had to […]

Predictions About the Future

This week’s email from has an article from Brady Boyd sharing four predictions about the future. All four of them are worth taking the time to ponder for a moment. Although I agree with all four, there are a few nuances to point out in order to avoid giving the impression that these four will dominate the future.  […]

The Importance of Coaching

Over the years I’ve watched pastors do all kinds of work trying to grow their church.  Many of them have brought in a consultant, myself included, had a thorough examination of their church, and received a clear directive for the future, only to flounder after the consultant left.

It has become clear to me that […]