Debunking the Myth of Spiritual Conversations

The Myth of Spiritual Conversations is alive and well in most churches today. I see it every time I teach evangelism at with the Center for Ministry and Leadership Training at Phillips Seminary. As soon as I start the class, I can feel the dread hanging in the air like a fog. It’s a […]

Turning Church Around

Turning around a church is not for the fainthearted or the impatient. Churches that have been experiencing decline also tend to experience rapid leader turnover.

In business, the fault of this rapid turnover tends to be laid at the feet of the leaders who get frustrated and move on. In churches, however, the turnover can […]

Why People Leave the Church … and the Faith

Some time ago, Martin Marty was quoted in Tom Clegg’s Lost in America that about 3000 people per day in the West (outside of the Bible Belt in the US South) leave the Christian faith – not the church, the faith. There really wasn’t much evidence outside of his work to support the contention […]

Take a Core Team Deep


Take A Core Team Deep

By: Bill Easum

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment:

Begin the time exploring the movement […]

Acts of the Apostles

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment

Begin the time exploring the movement and antics of the church in […]

Why People Leave the Church … and the Faith

Some time ago, Martin Marty was quoted in Tom Clegg’s Lost in America that about 3000 people per day in the West (outside of the Bible Belt in the US South) leave the Christian faith – not the church, the faith. There really wasn’t much evidence outside of his work to support the contention […]

The Two Ways of Church Transformation

There are two ways to try and grow a church.

Plan A has years of tradition behind it: Convince those in the pews to get off of their blessed assurance and move out into the mission field to make disciples. Pastors have been trying to do that for longer than any of us have […]

By Gray, Smith, Short

Both authors have extensive experience in church planting and have made their share of mistakes- which is what the book is about- avoiding the blind spots of church planting. The authors deal with some of the dirty issues most books on church planting don’t tackle such as losing faith, placing the plant before family, […]

Longevity in Monarchies and Ministries

At the time of this writing, I have just watched on television the beginning of four days of celebrations honoring Queen Elizabeth ll’s Platinum Jubilee, commemorating her 70 years on the throne. The 96-year-old queen is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and the first to reach the milestone of seven decades of Royal service.

It got me […]