Ho. Ho. Ho.

By Bill Easum

Ho. Ho. Ho.

Tis the season to be jolly.  Or is it?

That is the 64,000 dollar question everyone paying attention is asking these days.  I hope you are paying attention and realize that the U.S. economy is in a serious free fall over the past two months and that Christmas is going to […]

Threat Level Orange …

The other day, Heidi responded to my post on Expected Behaviors. She noticed I used the terms “Bully” and “Terrorist” and asked what the difference was … and what to do about them if they’re in your church.

Over the years, I’ve come to know four different kinds of people in the church. Disciples of […]

Bullies and Terrorists and Controllers, O My!

The other day, Heidi responded to my post on Expected Behaviors. She noticed I used the terms “Bully” and “Terrorist” and asked what the difference was … and what to do about them if they’re in your church.

Over the years, I’ve come to know four different kinds of people in the church. Disciples of […]

Is 2011 Time to Get a Coach?

Bill Tenny-Brittian and I have room for a few more people to coach in 2011.  We limit the number of people we each coach, so if you’re interested, now is the time to contact us. You have your choice of either one of us at the moment.

Studies show that pastors who have a coach do […]

Churches, Cyber

Alpha church http://www.alphachurch.org/   You can join and even be baptized online.  This is the most complete site I’ve found so far.
www.Life.TV has a large online community.

Eddie Gibbs, ChurchNext

Gibbs, Eddie ChurchNext, Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 252 pages, paperback, $14.99. Obtain from InterVarsity Press, P. O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515. www.ivpress.com

Gibbs traces nine of the major quantum shifts occurring today that he feels churches must address to be effective. Gibbs objectively analyzes the […]

Brian McLaren, More Ready than You Realize

McLaren, BrianMore Ready Than You Realize – Evangelism as Dance in the Pos

More Ready Than You Realize – Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix

(Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2002) 188 pages, paperback, $10.99. (Obtain from www.zondervan.com)

Another winner from Brian D. McLaren.  His explanation of Aspiritual friendship,@ known to Modernity as Aevangelism,@ is as clear and […]

WWJND? What Would Jesus Not Do? (Part 1)

In 1988, inspired by the central theme in Charles Sheldon’s classic Christian novel “In His Steps”, Dan Seaborn, the youth pastor at Central Wesleyan Church in Holland, Michigan, designed bracelets for his youth group promoting the question proposed often in the Sheldon novel; What Would Jesus Do? Seaborn abbreviated it to just four letters, […]

Effective Multi-Generational Worship Demands New Thinking

Planning on reaching the younger generation with today’s common worship tools? In the words of Seth Meyers, really?

Beginning in 1950, each new generation has been raised within a learning paradigm that is significantly different from the one before it. Those born prior to 1950 may be called the “Radio Generation.” Their learning paradigm is […]