Getting Past Your Past

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

According to Jesus, Paul, James, Peter, and John when we confess, repent, and take reconciliation seriously we become a new creature, all the old things in our lives have passed away, and we are completely renewed. Now, hang on to that promise for a moment. Live with it. What would it mean […]

Some People Never Change

For the week of September 26, 2005

Some People Never Change

By: Bill Easum

The Time- The 16th Century
The Place- A monastery in Europe
The Setting – Two monks discussing the Gutenberg Bible

One monk says to the other one:

“I don’t think it will ever catch on. It is too hard to use. I find the old scrolls much […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part One: A New Movement Emerging in the West

There’s a new movement underfoot in the West that just might stem the tide of Western Christianity’s decline. Although it’s too soon to share the details (that will be done next year in a book from Exponential), what I can tell you now is that it will turn the value system of most Western […]

Get People Involved in a New Church Start

For the week of October 10, 2005

Get People Involved in a New Church Start

By: Paul Nickerson

The old image of a new church start was a “parachute”. A new church start pastor was “parachuted” in, under the cover of darkness, without any neighboring congregations having any idea this was happening. Resentment often followed, and the […]

To Change Our Church, We Have to Change

The other day I sent this to the people I’m coaching for them to use in a time of reflection. Several said it was helpful.  So I thought I would share it with everyone.

All of you are trying the take your church to the next level. You are asking God to do something new in […]

Interviewing Key Community Leaders

For the week of October 03, 2005


Interviewing Key Community Leaders

By: Paul Nickerson

As congregations begin to discern a ‘calling” to reach out to new and different groups in the community, one helpful strategy is to interview leaders in the community that are already working with that particular micro-culture. This process can help to deepen the […]

EBA Leadership Tip


by Jeff Patton

There comes a time when you have packed their belongings, said good bye to many friends (and a few who aren’t very friendly) and now travel some distance to say hello to new friends (and some who won’t be very friendly).

You who are moving should do these things:

First, as you leave, gather […]

The Missional Leader

By Roxburgh and Romanuk

Finally a book that not only describes the “missional church,” but also gives some hints as to how to develop such a culture. I’ve always been a fan of Alan Roxburgh, but this book is one of his best and most timely books.

He describes the missional church without throwing the baby […]

A Kingdom Mindset Is What We Need

A Kingdom Mindset is What We Need

By: Bill Easum

The other day a church planter told me “Now that we are up and running and growing we’ve had several churches in the area say: ‘Hey, it looks like we’re in competition now.’ No one seemed to worry about us when we were just starting but […]