The Most Misunderstood Man in Christianity

To some, Donald A. McGavran was one of the greatest missiologists in Christian history. To others, his name is almost synonymous with the devil.  Those who malign McGavran have simply misunderstood him. They say all he was about was numbers. They say he was responsible for pastors building large churches around the homogeneous model. […]

It’s a Flea Circus … Oh Wait, That’s the Church

Glenn Kelley at found a great 60 second video on how to train fleas in three days. It’s a great video and I’ve embedded it here as well. Take a look and then scroll down for more.

I’ve often quipped that if a church tries something new in worship it’s called innovation. If it […]

Find a Partner, Play to Win – Lives!

On February 1, 2000, my heart pounded with excitement, gratitude and joy, as young, African American students from the Senior High across the street, walked tentatively over to the brick-framed house two congregations had purchased and had been remodeling for months. They were making it into a safe haven for after school activities for […]

Complexity and Intuition

By Bill Easum

I doubt if anyone would disagree that the world has become more complex over the years. Not only that the level of complexity has exponentially grown in the past decade.  Things that were simple a few years back are now much for difficult to figure out.

Just take the telephone for example.  When […]

Don’t Let Your Bullies (or Terrorists) Get the Upper Hand

Too many church leaders put up with nonsense from poorly behaved people in their churches. I’m not talking about non-believers who haven’t yet found their way into the kingdom. And I don’t mean new-born Christians who have just taken their few steps as followers of Jesus. I’m talking about people who know better. People […]

The Fine Art of Coaching Small Groups

Coaching appears to be the “next” big thing when it comes to church leadership. It seems almost everyone either (1) wants to be a coach, or (2) wants to be coached. The fact is, everyone needs a coach, but a great teacher doesn’t necessarily makes a good coach. Indeed, being a great practitioner of […]

Developing a Healthy Culture

By Bill Easum

Being stuck in a hotel with the flu gives one time to ask dumb questions. With nothing to do but sneeze and cough and watch TV, I turned to the Yankees and Red Sox game.  While watching the game, the question popped into my head- why so much spitting?  That afternoon, still […]

The Third Core Spiritual Habit: Intentionally Encouraging Other Christians

I’m a big advocate of “one-anothering”, perhaps because it was practiced so effectively in the early church. One-anothering is how Christians are called (and expected) to treat each another – at least from a New Testament perspective.

In the Gospels, Jesus gave us five love directives: (1) love God; (2) love our neighbors; (3) love […]

Dealing with the Press

Online Conversation

It is very wise to deal cautiously and carefully with the Press since most of them bring some serious bias or prejudice to the interview and will usually print only what they want to out of an interview even if it is not important to the interview. The headline is about all most […]