Katrina Evangelism

For the week of September 12, 2005

Katrina Evangelism

By: Bill Easum

Thought for the day.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could so paint a picture of God’s love and our need of it that our church people could pour their hearts out for people’s salvation as easily as they do for a disaster like Katrina?

I’m not […]

Levels of Leadership

Most church leaders don’t think of leadership in terms of levels. We tend to think more of finding volunteers or even servants. Instead I want you to begin thinking of multi levels of leadership and to begin to ask which category your leaders might fall into. I have discovered the following levels. There may […]

Work Towards Role Clarity

Inculating a Shared Leadership DNA

The most common threat to shared leadership DNA in organizations is role confusion among the organization’s various leadership elements. This shows up as an absence of clarity regarding the specific boundaries and functions of the board and the operational management team.   Regardless of the type of organization, it is common […]

Remembering Prayer

by Bill Tenny-Brittian

I have a journal I record ongoing prayer requests in for my daily prayer time, but there are some prayer needs that I want to pray about throughout the day. However, without something to jog my memory I’ll go through my day without so much as an under-my-breath prayer. To help me […]

Is it Really a New Revolution

Bill Easum

Since there has been so much hype and conversation about George Barna’s new book “Revolution” (Zondervan), I thought I would share some observations on his work. And since George and I are friends, I will try to be as tame as my conscience will allow.  Having said that – here goes.

Barna’s major premise […]

Do You Do Worship Tech?

I visited a church recently … a LARGE church … that everyone told me was so edgy when it came to technology. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement and it prompted me to write the following article that appeared in the Easum, Bandy & Associates On Track Ezine. I put the […]

The Power of Hyper Focus Drive

Most of you reading this probably already know that I’m ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactive Disorder), which means that (1) I don’t sit still well and (2) I am easily distracted.

“Oh look! A chicken.”

Yeah. That kind of distracted. That being so, I’ve had to learn to cope with focus most of my life. I’ve done […]

Stop Sharing Your Church Newsletter with Visitors – and Other Follow-Up Gaffes

I had a rare Sunday off a couple weeks ago and decided to drop by a local church that I’d never visited. I’d discovered the church on my annual Christmas Light Tour (where I drive aimlessly through random neighborhoods looking for great light displays) and I discovered this church tucked deep inside a neighborhood I’d never […]

A Church for Every Pastor … and a Pastor for Every Church

I’ve been working with churches and pastors now for more than two decades. During that time I’ve come to know a lot of churches and a lot of pastors. Recently, though, I’ve come to the conclusion that when a church is “looking” to call a pastor, or if a judicatory is looking for a […]