For Church Planters’ Eyes Only

Over the years I’ve noticed something about church plants that might be helpful to you. Somewhere around 125-200 in worship, many semi-successful church planters lose their focus on outreach and bringing more people to Christ, and the church stalls out. I’ve noticed several reasons for this loss of focus on outreach and evangelism. I […]

Empowering Your Staff

The importance of staffing a church isn’t taught in seminary. It should be, but it isn’t, and that’s a crime. Because once a church crosses 100 in worship, finding the right staff becomes one of the most important steps a pastor can take. I’m convinced that not knowing how to find and hire the right […]

Bridging the Generational Technology Gaps

This post is Part 2 of Bridging the Generational Technology Gaps. The first part (here) examined the different generations. In this post we’ll look at some specifics on bridging the gaps.

Before I start, it bears reminding you that there is more to targeting the generations than just tweaking your technology. And though this post […]

8 Crucial Steps to Church Hospitality that Transforms Lives

Every church says they are friendly (hospitable), but that usually is true only among church members themselves.  The experience of the stranger, of the first time visitor, is often very far from a sense of being welcomed.
Let’s be honest.  The call to make disciples and the kingdom goal is at stake here.  It isn’t […]

A Hail Mary Strategy for Turnaround

The average church in the U.S. has fewer than a hundred in worship. Churches with fewer than 50 people in worship make up 40% of all churches in the U.S. The average age in these churches with fewer than 50 people in worship is over 65. Add to that the fact that less than 2% of these […]

Summer Priorities – Tip 7: Worship and Hospitality Team Training

Most clergy plan worship for the coming program year in the summer. That usually means anticipating the preaching cycle, focusing themes and preaching series, gathering resources for major celebrations, and delegating responsibilities for music and drama. The more resources you gather now, the easier implementation will be when life gets really busy.

But have you […]

Radical Discipleship Is What We Need

Radical Discipleship

The one ingredient missing in many of today’s churches is radical discipleship.[1] Radical discipleship was the norm for the early Christians.

So what is radical discipleship? It is allowing every facet of one’s life to be shaped by the life of Jesus. It’s more than attending a membership class or attending worship or even […]

Packaging Experience

Over the past five years I’ve seen a tremendous shift in my ministry. Ten years ago, the bulk of my ministry consisted of local church consultations and workshops. Occasionally I would be asked to coach a pastor following a consultation. Today, almost half of my ministry is coaching pastors either before, after, or totally […]

Excerpt 3: From “Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope”, by Brian D. McLaren

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

… by postponing the essence of salvation to the afterlife, and by assuming God plans to destroy the earth, the conventional view leads us to assume that the world will get worse and worse, and that this deterioration is in fact God’s will or plan. This assumption would
tend to create a kind […]