Turning Church Around

Turning around a church is not for the fainthearted or the impatient. Churches that have been experiencing decline also tend to experience rapid leader turnover.

In business, the fault of this rapid turnover tends to be laid at the feet of the leaders who get frustrated and move on. In churches, however, the turnover can […]

Disciplemaking Teachers Ought to be Required

Jason said to me, “Disciplemaking Teachers out to be required.”

I had just conducted the Disciplemaking Teachers seminar at his church. I had done the Double Your Class Seminar in their church sometime back. They had seen some results. I sensed two frustrations:

Many teachers were slow to get on board. They didn’t want to […]

Maximizing Your Church’s ROI (Return on Investment)

Unless you’re a church leader in a very large church, you’re probably aware that your congregation has limited resources (and in today’s economy, even large churches are struggling with decreasing resources). During those times when resources are exceptionally limited, it’s more important than ever to be very careful where you invest them.

Every investor wants […]

What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part One

 Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part One

Two years ago when I began writing Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers, I had no idea it would hit such a nerve with church leaders. I felt it would make an important contribution to developing thriving churches, but I never dreamed it would become one of […]

Staffing the Church

Like everything else in today’s world, the way spiritual redwood churches are staffing themselves is rapidly changing. Church leaders in declining churches are finding these changes extremely hard to comprehend, much less attempt. This inability to comprehend and make the necessary changes is a critical flaw in most declining churches. I think it is […]

What’s Your Sending Capacity?

For years now church gurus have talked about the seating capacity of a building.  You know, if your main worship service is 80% full you need another worship service. Well, even though that’s still true, how many you have in worship and the size of your building is not enough.  The real standard for […]

Developing Spiritual Maturity (Part 3)

Luke 2:52 tells us that during his time growing up, Jesus developed in four ways.

He developed in wisdom – intellectual development.

He developed in stature – physical development.

He developed in favor with God – spiritual development.

He developed in favor with man – interpersonal development.

A full human life is well balanced. Thus, it was important to […]

Annual Spiritual Check-up

New Year’s Eve is
an interesting holiday differing from others because it does not commemorate an
event, like Easter or a person like Christmas. New Years is a holiday that
celebrates the inevitability of the passing of time. We make New Years special
only by being reflective of the year that has passed and proactive about what
we want […]

Stewardship is a Way of Life

We received a note today on our advanced leadership forum that asked what place to begin talking with churches about stewardship.  My response was this: stewardship of money comes from the heart.  That’s where you begin. 

Then a list of things I have believed for a long time surfaced in my pea brain.  I thought I would […]