Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

You may have noticed there’s a recession … or at least some sort of a downturn in the economy. The price of gas is up. The price of utilities is up, and they say it’s going to get worse. The price of food is up. And with all of that, giving isn’t all that […]

What Does Your Newsletter Really Say?

I get to see a lot of church newsletters pretty regularly. Some come by email, some with a stamp, but what they all have in common is that I get them. Since I’m not a member of most of these churches, I have to surmise that I’m not the only non-member who’s getting their […]

Packaging Experience

Over the past five years I’ve seen a tremendous shift in my ministry. Ten years ago, the bulk of my ministry consisted of local church consultations and workshops. Occasionally I would be asked to coach a pastor following a consultation. Today, almost half of my ministry is coaching pastors either before, after, or totally […]

Don’t be like Larry

Of all the commercials that aired on the last Super Bowl broadcast, one stood out to me.  Larry David, the famously crotchety actor known for Curb Your Enthusiasm and his creative partnership with Jerry on “Seinfeld”, plays his cynicism for laughs by mocking humanity’s great innovations. The wheel, he declares, is “a miss.” He […]

Christmas Suggestions

The Christmas season is just around the corner and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach unchurched people. I even think Christmas Eve is more important than Easter when it comes to reaching unchurched people.  People attend worship on Easter because it’s the thing to do- or it used to be. […]

Jerusalem or Antioch – Which Church Are You?

I just finished writing a book entitled Preaching for Transformation. I used Acts as the text, especially Acts 1:8 where the apostles (“apostles” means “the sent ones” in Greek) were told they would be Jesus’ witnesses throughout the world when the Holy Spirit came upon them. God had a plan for the apostles.  Let’s call that “Plan A.”

Plan […]

The Fall and Rise of Dead-Horse Churches

I’m sure you’ve heard the twin adages “Stop beating a dead horse” and “If you find yourself riding a dead horse, dismount.” But what if that “dead horse” is your local church? What if everything you’ve done as a church leader seems to have been for naught? What if you’ve taken your church’s pulse […]

What to Say After “Hello”

I was at a church planting event some years ago when someone asked, “Tell me what you do.” Saying “I plant churches” didn’t seem to capture what I was doing, since I was already coaching other leaders and leading the occasional workshop on evangelism and church growth. But to be honest, I wasn’t prepared […]

Prayer Room

From our forums

Our church will have a 24’x12’ room with the door along the 12’ wall that we want to designate as a prayer space/sacred space.  I really don’t want to stuff it with pews.  Anyone have any links to pictures of well designed prayer space.  Three prayer groups of 5-9 people will share it weekly, I […]