Bandy, Thomas, Kicking Habits: Welcome Relief for Addicted Churches

(Abingdon Press, 1997) 232 pgs., $14.95 paperback. Available thru Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320.

Here is a church transformation resource that not only explains why the local church must change, and in what direction the church must change, but also explains how to do it! Kicking Habits is written for “would be” or actual church […]

Creating a ‘Truly’ On-Line Service

I have a few pet peeves. Drivers who don’t use their turn signals, cashiers who don’t say please and thank you and pastors who tell me they have online services when in essence all they do is video their existing in person services.

What are the differences between on-site services and on-line services? Too many […]

Reverse Mentoring

By Earl Creps

I enjoyed reading Earl Creps’ Off Road Disciplines, but I was enthralled by Reverse Mentoring. The book is packed with so many transparent personal experiences it is like an intimate look not only into the emerging world, but also into his private life. Through these extremely personal and detailed stories Creps gives the reader […]

Why Don’t People Attend Small Groups?

From our Advanced list serve (2006)   To join click here

In the past while serving more conventional churches, I’ve also experienced the difficulty of getting small groups up and running.  I was pondering, as I read your email, as to why it is so difficult to get them started.  Here are a couple of thoughts I have, […]

Find a Partner, Play to Win – Lives!

On February 1, 2000, my heart pounded with excitement, gratitude and joy, as young, African American students from the Senior High across the street, walked tentatively over to the brick-framed house two congregations had purchased and had been remodeling for months. They were making it into a safe haven for after school activities for […]

Something Wonderful Is Happening

Something wonderful has happened in the last decade, something we haven’t ever seen happen in the U.S. and I’m not talking about Mr. Wonderful. I’m talking about something so wonderful that is makes me wish I were twenty again so I could have more of a part in it – something that I have […]

Worship Technology: Even If You Think You’re a Techie, You’re Probably Behind

I visit a lot of churches. A lot. And because of who I am and what I do, I just can’t help it – I wear my consultant’s hat, at least a little bit. Over the past year, I’ve taken a particular interest in checking out how the church uses technology. I’ve visited a […]

The Problem with Western Christianity

We all know 85% of churches in the West are in decline, so I wont go into that other than to say I know the cause for this decline.[1]

The basic problem with Western Christianity rests on a misunderstanding of the Church Growth movement and the liberalization of the Western Church. Let me explain.

The Church […]

Turn Water into Wine … or at Least Turn Your To-Do Lists into Done

You’ve got the vision. You’ve got the mission-critical goals. Now, what you need is the time management strategy to make it all happen. In a world where pastors are expected to be spiritual leaders, counselors, and administrators, time is your most valuable asset. Let’s talk about how to prioritize it effectively.

The ABCDE of Time […]