Being a Great Coachee

Over the years, I’ve worked with a number of folks as a church planting and church transformation coach. Some of the folks I’ve worked with have gone on to meet or exceed their goals. Others, however, either quit or remained stuck. In fact, in my experience, more have quit or remained stuck than have […]

The Benedictine Rule of Leadership

Craig Galbraith, Oliver Galbraith

This book contains classic management secrets that anyone in leadership will benefit from.  The Rule contained the first complete management system in the Western world. The beauty of The Rule is that it has withstood the test of time and is as valid today as it was fifteen centuries ago.

As a […]

6 Essentials of Church Hospitality

My wife and I went on our first cruise.  It was a well oiled machine.  They were prepared for serving meals to 2800 people.  “Free” ice cream almost 24/7!  A staff member always in sight to make your experience great.  A highlight was the towel art on our bed each evening which was in […]

The 7 Front Lines of Hospitality

At my church, the first person a guest likely has conversation with is “Tom.”  Tom has Asperger Syndrome.  He’s the perfect front line for hospitality.  His life situation keeps him focused on the mission at hand.  He’s not distracted by people he knows who are tempted to chat with each other.

His job is to […]

Why Don’t More People Attend Small Groups?

“We are committed to becoming a church of small groups.”
“Life-change happens best in small groups.”
“Everyone needs authentic community.”

These statements, and others like them, are heard often in churches around the country. Small groups have become a big deal.

Churches desiring to help members connect relationally and to grow in discipleship have turned to the small […]

Are You a Scattered Pastor?

Hey Pastor … we’ve all been there – feeling like we’re being pulled and scattered in a million different directions, trying to juggle a dozen balls and inevitably dropping half of them. It’s a common scenario in our line of work, right? On a good day, we start our day with a clear […]

Church Planters Must Be Graciously Ruthless

I tell church planters, “If you can’t show someone the door and go home and sleep well that night, you shouldn’t plant.”

One of the things we’ve learned over the years is that planting a church is hard, lonely work. If you can’t let criticism run off your back like water off a duck and […]

Bible Studies, Print

Alpha is a 15 session, including one weekend, course for introducing non-Christians to Christianity. Each session consists of a meal, one lecture, and small groups. There are 6,000 courses running now in 55 countries. I have heard only good things about this ministry. North America phone is 212-378-0292, 1029 East 50th Street, New […]

Church Growth in One Sentence

I was privileged to visit Northpoint’s new Browns Bridge Campus a few months back. This is an amazing story–brand new 3,000 seat auditorium filled twice on Sunday morning. How do they do that?

Part of the answer, or course, is that a whole lot of people came from the main campus at Northpoint. They live […]