The Five Tasks of a Successful Lead Pastor

This week I want to talk about the multifaceted role of a successful lead pastor in the Post-Covid Church. To begin with, though, I’d like us to get one thing straight: as the lead pastor, you’re the captain of the church ship. Everything from the high seas of worship to the nitty-gritty of budgeting […]

Church and Culture

For our time together I want to be clear that my purpose is not instruction, but rather agitation. My entire goal is to get you to experience the freedom of cursing your monitor. If I fail, ask Bill for a refund.

Second, I want to have some fun. You may not appreciate my humor because […]

The Three Most Important Rooms in a Church

I tell churches all the time that the three most important rooms in a church building are the worship center, restrooms, and nursery. Most churches don’t understand the importance of these rooms. How do I know this? By simply looking at the way most churches take care of these three rooms. In far too […]

New Wine Skins Part 3

Jesus says you can’t put new wine in old wine skins because old wine skins become brittle and lose their functionality. He is communicating to us today that we must create new wine skins to house the vibrancy of new wine. This is a principle of life in which new situations most always require […]

Back Yard Missionaries

When most people hear the word “missionary” they think of someone going off to a foreign country. That used to the case. But no more. Today, in the U.S., we are called to be “back yard missionaries” to our networks.

Today, only 30 percent of the missionaries being sent out in the world are from the […]

Ten Tips for Using Your Newsletter to Grow Your Church

The fact is, most church newsletters do little to nothing to help grow a church… in fact, many church newsletters we’ve reviewed may be a part of the reason why a church isn’t growing.

Here are a couple of do’s and don’ts to help you develop a newsletter that will at least aid your church […]

From Doers to Equippers – Part Three

What happens during the transition?

The pastor must carefully and slowly chip away at destroying the dependent culture and establishing a growth culture. For eight years, I chipped away at changing the culture to one of equipping. I spent those 8 years filtering out whom I had to see and get fired and whom I […]

The Ability to Focus

One of the things I’ve had to do over and over when coaching pastors is remind them to focus on the major issues we’ve talked about instead of getting distracted time and time again. Pastors appear to be extremely vulnerable to distractions due to their high desire to please people. Often pastors have a […]

I Won the Lottery!

I won the United Kingdom National Lottery the other day, at least that’s what the email said, and suddenly realized I don’t have to work anymore. I won £891,934 pounds sterling. I can do anything with my life that I want to do. Fishing with Bill Easum in Guatemala, skiing in Aspen, or be […]