Managerial Aspects of Leadership

By Bill Easum

Being the pastor of a church requires many things not taught in seminary. One of those things not taught is the managerial aspects of leadership. Whereas leaders look outward to the future, managers look inward to the moment.

In a small church the pastor has to be both manager and leader if the […]

The Emergency Room

Recently I had a conversation with one of the faithful EBA Community members who we’ve not heard from in some time. I phoned him out of the blue to ask a few questions about his perspective on the state of the church in the US. His response was both helpful and telling.

He shared with […]

Stop Losing Staff

“I’m tired of training staff only to see them leave to work in another church.” I heard pastors say this a lot when I was consulting. I always wondered what would happen if they didn’t train them and they stayed long term. 

“My staff is so competent that I’m afraid some church will steal them […]

Post Covid Church Growth

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I was recruited to be a church planter in metro area. Kris and I were invited to start a new church in any legitimate city in the US and we were torn about where to plant. We had a ready-made core-congregation in Atlanta, people we’d connected […]

Email: Friend or Foe

One of my most common ongoing battles with congregational leaders I work with is the effective use of emails/Facebook messages, etc. The age of less-is-more, microwaves, and 140-character communication hasn’t just arrived; it’s made itself at home in the church. And though it might be rather convenient, I’m seeing an alarming rise in misunderstandings […]

Two Huge Changes and Two Critical Texts of Our Time

Two of the most important texts for our time are Matt. 9:36-38 and John 20:21. In this post we will examine why.

I began sharing the faith in the late 1950s. Back then I could share the four spiritual laws and in forty-five minutes lead someone to Christ. It was also the custom that most […]

The Power of Yes!


It always amazes me how much talk a church can do and still accomplish nothing. Sure, sometimes the discussion gets to yes, but far too often the NO comes about because too much time has passed. Too much talk and not enough do.

I suppose that’s why the book Action Trumps Everything by Len Schlesinger, president of Babson […]

Christmas Sunday 2022

Remembering back to when I was pastoring a growing church, I had to face a particularly issue in both 2005 and 2016. Those were years when December 25th fell on a Sunday. This year, 2022, Christmas day is also on a Sunday.

So how should your church plan services as Christmas day is Sunday, knowing […]

Becoming an Inside Out Church

“Oh, that God the gift would give us
to  see ourselves as others see us”
Robert Burnes

The Declining Church

Tom Bandy observed, during his recent visit to Australia, that the decline of mainstream institutional Christianity was about ten years more advanced than in the USA and that some of the Australian responses to the “crisis” might be […]