Getting Beyond the Mirror

The other night, I met with a new church plant’s core leadership for a planning session. Each member of the leadership core has served the church literally for years and are all excited about making a difference in their community. The new church is using a cell group model for their church plant and […]

The “New” Pastor

We are seeking a Pastor who is an inspiring pastor, preacher and teacher, a good counselor who is honest and trustworthy, thoughtful and pastoral, passionate about reaching young people and families, gregarious and people-oriented. We desire a pastor who is committed to attracting new members and retaining current members and whose sermons are spiritually […]

Oh Be Careful Little Church … Where You Put Your Energy

It’s almost the Thanksgiving season. I can tell because the big box stores have become schizophrenic with Halloween Ghouls in one aisle and Christmas Trees and Nativities in the next. As a pastor of a church in a county seat the pressure was on to help plan, publicize, and participate in the local ecumenical […]

The Secret to a Memorable, Life-Changing Sermon

Startling Statistic: By Wednesday afternoon, your congregation remembers 10 percent or less of what you preached. That’s according to an Air Force study some years ago (and I can assure you, our attention spans and memories have not improved since then).

Sad Story: I was having breakfast with a church leader on Monday some years ago. I was […]


The following conversations came from our Advanced Leadership forum. To join click here

There are at least three major issues regarding setup:

1) the chairs: are they already fixed in seating, or do you have to set them up?
2) the sound system (and lighting, if you require that as well) will require quite a bit of […]

Back To School

What is your favorite time of year? I’m not necessarily talking about climate like Spring or Summer but rather activities that are going on. As a pastor, certainly Christmas and Easter were always at the top of my list because of their significance as the birth, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. […]

Church Growth Failure

Some of you may remember the Church Growth Movement of the sixties and seventies. Great leaders such as Donald McGavran and Win Arn led the movement and soon every church in town was running programs like Bring a Friend Sunday and doing follow-up with visitors. Every time you turned around, there was a new […]

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Work

I received a couple of emails this weeks inquiring about an onsite consultation. They told me their sad story (and believe me, it was sad and detailed) and then asked if I could help. I gave them a quick overview of what issues I saw in what they said and then said one of […]

“Crazy” Busy

If you feel busier now than ever before, and if you wonder if you can keep up this pace much longer, you are not alone. Most of us in ministry feel slightly bewildered, realizing we have more to do than we have time to do it.

In the church we seem to equate busyness with […]