Three Kinds of Church Members

A family left the church recently because they didn’t like one of the changes in worship. The pastor had been confronted by the board chair who demanded the pastor “Go after them and bring them back.” The pastor kept his cool and gently sidestepped the confrontation, but gave me (his coach) a call the […]

Five and a Half Secrets to Getting Out of the Office

There’s an old saying that goes, “Pastor, you can’t be faithful to the Great Commission if you’re stuck inside your office” (okay, so it’s not that old of a saying). But the truth is there nonetheless. We’ve found that pastors of turnaround churches (and larger, growing churches as well) spend less time in their office and more […]

How to Develop Attention-Grabbing Sermon Series

I’m constantly being asked about the importance of sermon series and what the best way is to go about doing them. The questions are all over the map, ranging from pastors in their first year to seasoned veterans who realize we are no longer in the 1950s. So I thought I would share a few […]

Grilled Cheese, Fish Sticks, and Manger Scenes

December 5, 2004

Where is God?

A boy went with his family to one of those live nativity scenes at a church. There was a big crowd and he was really anxious to get close to see the live manger scene. Intent on getting as close as he could, he picked his way through the crowd, […]

The Problem with the Emergent Movement

By Bill Easum

This might not be the most popular article I’ve ever written but I feel the need to write it.

Brian McLaren has been a long time friend of EBA and has contributed much to the Christian scene. But lately I have been reevaluating my view of the Emergent/Emerging movement and I find it to […]

New Wineskins-Part 1

The Wall Street Journal reports that one of the key reasons for the continued growth of McDonalds restaurants is their continually embracing of change. What began as the original fast food provider of burgers, fries and a soft drink or shake, now daily serves pancakes, eggs and bacon or sausage for those who want […]


By Bossidy and Charan

If you’re able to translate business examples into church examples this book offers a wealth of information about how to lead a staff so that dreams actually become reality. I’m going to try to make that translation for you.

Sharing a big hairy audacious goal is the easy part of leadership; making […]

Wringing Our Hands or … ?

George Barna recently came out with a poll reporting that the majority of Christians don’t believe in either Satan or the Holy Spirit. Since then, I have received a small mountain of emails with Christian leaders crying “Where did the church go wrong?” I suppose these questions probably deserve and answer, but I’m not […]

Six Steps for Effective Follow Up on Easter Guests

Here are six steps to effectively follow up with Easter guests.

*Acknowledge your guest’s presence. Be sure to take time during the service to publicly acknowledge that there are guests in the service. Pointing out to your guests (in a non-threatening way) that you know they are with you is the start of effective follow […]