What To Do With Those Who Remain

I’m a big Carey Nieuwhof fan. He produces some of the most thoughtful and relevant content for North American church pastors and I appreciate what he has to say. This morning one of his blogs didn’t just catch my attention, it caused me to pause. In “Why They’re Not Coming Back to Church (and […]

The Harvest is Waiting

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Jesus directly asked us to pray that more leaders would be sent out into their networks to reap a spiritual harvest.  Yet, I find most pastors seldom pray for leaders to go into the […]

Stetzer, Viral Churches

By Stetzer and Bird

Viral Churches is one of the most important books I’ve read in a long time and could possibly become a church planting classic. It’s message is so simple – “multiply everything.”

The book is filled with myth busting information such as 68% of all church plants are still in existence after four […]

What Do You Do in the First Year of Ministry

The following email contains two questions that people often ask.

Dear Bill,

When we were meeting last year a couple of very practical questions came up that I would like to get your input on when you have the opportunity. What are the things you look for as you look to move to another congregation to […]

The Five Pillars of Financial Wisdom: Equipping Your Members for Financial Success

Reprinted from Net Results Magazine

Can I be honest with you? The majority of your church members are financially illiterate. That’s a problem, especially when you consider that Jesus talked more about money than any other topic besides the Kingdom of God. In fact, in my opinion, it’s an untenable situation. Church members should be […]

Equations for the Emerging World

I have said many times that our world is in between rules. What used to be normative is now passé. What used to work now seldom does. Leaders who lead like they did ten years ago are finding their efforts to be ineffective. The old equations for ministry simply do not work anymore.

However, a […]

Loving Your Church to Death … Or to Growth

At my age I have a good bit of experience with love. I’ve been married a good long while, I have five children, and I have seven grandchildren … so far. And so I can say with a certainty that you can love your church to growth, and you can love your church to […]

When Digital Worship Isn’t

A week or so ago I had the great privilege of leading a workshop session for a group of folks who were considering the possibility of professional ministry. I’d been invited to present on Sunday morning and follow my presentation with a brief closing worship.

I’d planned on bringing my guitar and leading a time […]

Exponential Workshop Files

Multiplication Made Easy PDF Handouts

You Can’t Raise a Corpse PDF Handouts