Idealism and the Missional Church

Over the past several weeks I’ve had the opportunity to speak to various crowds of church leaders and talk about church transformational issues. I’ve noticed that I can generally divide the audience into two groups: those who want to get it and so are open to giving the presentation a listen, and those who […]

What Should You Measure

By Bill Easum

I just finished a book by Bill Hoyt titled Effectiveness by the Number (Abingdon) in which he makes one of the most important statements I’ve read to date –“churches are notorious for not being results oriented.” Bingo. There you have it.  Churches tend to just float along not measuring anything other than […]

Should Sermon’s Have a Call-To-Action?

Every Sunday, thousands of church leaders stand up on their church’s platform and begin to speak. Like Jesus who took the scroll of Isaiah, read a passage, and then offered words of explanation, these leaders start with the scriptures and offer their (hopefully) God-given insights in the hopes of sharing something that will actually […]

Church Planters’ Heaven

One of the most valued pieces of church planting is often lost in the hustle and bustle of setting up and taking down, but when its discovered it’s like heaven on earth. I’m talking about visibility.  Nothing takes the place of visibility for a church planter’s success. A planter lives and dies on visibility.

Visibility […]

The Day-To-Day Mentor

Mentoring someone into faith or deeper into faith is your responsibility. Unless you’re the pastor, it’s not the pastor’s responsibility. Unless you’re a Sunday school teacher, it’s not the Sunday school’s responsibility. Unless you’re a small group leader, it’s not small group’s responsibility.

It’s your responsibility … you know, that whole “Go ye and make disciples” is […]

Small Groups are Replacing Adult Sunday School

In my book Dancing with Dinosaurs (1993) I had a chapter in which I said adult Sunday School  was coming to an end and was being replaced by small groups that meet in homes. You should have heard the negative letters I received.  One person called me a heretic. Another called me stupid.  I […]

Leadership Tips

Here are some things I’m seeing and some comments on books I’ve read all of which point up some leadership tips.

Tip One

I continue to see churches that add an indigenous service to their Sunday schedule and in two or three years it is the largest church. I just got an email from Bedford Church […]

Starting Small Groups

For the week of July 18, 2005

Starting Small Groups

By: Bill Tenny-Brittian

While serving conventional churches, many have experienced difficulty in getting small groups up and running. It might make you wonder what makes it so difficult to get them started. Here are a couple of thoughts, as well as a few suggestions, for getting them […]

Tomorrow’s Church Today – Part 2

[Continued from “Tomorrow’s Church Today – Pt. 1.” The first half of this post was first published in the Mar-Apr 2010 issue of Net Results magazine.]

The technology used in the service would have been astounding to see in many churches, and yet nothing being used isn’t already a part of the culture’s fabric. Even […]