Simchurch – An Intriguing Read

I’ve found the fourth great book during my summer reading.

Simchurch is the first book I’ve read on the virtual church that makes theological sense. Although the theology isn’t deep it’s deep enough to sway even the most die-hard skeptic of the virtual church – if they keep an open mind (something hard for many […]

The Magic Pill Placebo

I wrote this entry the other day and I think I posted it … but in the great server switchover, it appears to have been misplaced. So, just in case, here it is again.

I had a conversation with some pastors about one of the seminars they had attended. They had gone looking and hoping […]

Easum’s Last Stand

This is the LAST seminar Bill Easum will be doing.

The very last one.
There will be no more.
This isn’t a publicity stunt.
I’m retiring.

And to date, enough registrations have some in so far that I can say the event sent for February 26-27 is a “GO.”  If you are planning on attending, now is the time […]

Friday Nights for Jesus

Fasten your seat belt, friend, because this is the most high powered approach we have. I do not know anything that works better than giving Friday nights to Jesus. Giving Friday nights to Jesus will reach more people in less time than any method I know. In fact, if you give Friday nights to […]

Start with Your To Don’t List

Confession … I love my To Do list. Every Sunday afternoon I sit down with my iPad and the Notability app, I copy the Weekly Planning template, open my weekly calendar (that my church administrator keeps up for me), and I plan my week. I add my appointments, my most critical “must accomplish” task, […]

Everything Must Change

By Brian McLaren

As are all of McLaren’s book, Everything Must Change is extremely well written and researched prose bordering at times on poetry. His theme is simple yet profound – unless everything changes in our approach to the suicidal systems story that drives today’s world life on this planet isn’t sustainable. He argues for Christians to believe a […]

How to Get to Know Unchurched People

Over the years, I’ve noticed there’s some significant confusion about the Great Commission. For several centuries, the church has interpreted it as “Go ye into all the world,” which of course is a translation for the more appropriate term ethnic groups (lit. ethnos). In today’s language, we would accurately say, “Go and make disciples of […]

You Are the Curriculum

Between the two of us Tom and I travel some 450+ days a year consulting with churches and speaking to large groups of leaders. So we hear a lot from a wife source. One question I hear often is “What is the best curriculum for equipping my people?”

When I give them my stock answer […]

You Are the Curriculum

Between the two of us Tom and I travel some 450+ days a year consulting with churches and speaking to large groups of leaders. So we hear a lot from a wife source. One question I hear often is “What is the best curriculum for equipping my people?”

When I give them my stock answer […]