Are You a Scattered Pastor?

Hey Pastor … we’ve all been there – feeling like we’re being pulled and scattered in a million different directions, trying to juggle a dozen balls and inevitably dropping half of them. It’s a common scenario in our line of work, right? On a good day, we start our day with a clear […]

A Time for Giving

Two of the most important celebrations of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas, happen at this season. During these times, workers jockey for time off, families come together from all over the country or world, food is prominent, and hopefully a good time will be had by all. I know, this isn’t starting out as […]

Church Growth in One Sentence

I was privileged to visit Northpoint’s new Browns Bridge Campus a few months back. This is an amazing story–brand new 3,000 seat auditorium filled twice on Sunday morning. How do they do that?

Part of the answer, or course, is that a whole lot of people came from the main campus at Northpoint. They live […]

Bible Studies, Print

Alpha is a 15 session, including one weekend, course for introducing non-Christians to Christianity. Each session consists of a meal, one lecture, and small groups. There are 6,000 courses running now in 55 countries. I have heard only good things about this ministry. North America phone is 212-378-0292, 1029 East 50th Street, New […]

Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear

For the week of July 17, 2006

Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear

By: Bill Easum

Recently, I received two pieces of mail – one in the snail mail and one online. The snail mail article came from a person I’m not sure I know, but the article was from a religion professor at […]

An Open Letter to a Disciple; Parts 1 and 2

Not long ago on our advanced leadership listserv (, a member posted a stirring message in which he asked:

Dear Bill:

My sense is that it’s around these bottom-line issues that most of us still feel overwhelmed and still struggle. It feels to me like we should be taking our discussions on this forum to a […]

Developing a Missional Mindset

As Bill Easum has already pointed out, there has been a lot of confusion around the whole Missional, Emergent, Emerging conversation. Most church leaders I speak with couldn’t cogently define the difference with anything like clarity. They’ve read one book and came away with that author’s perspective and for those brave souls, they’ve read […]

The Role of the Transformational Senior Pastor

Over the years, there has been a good bit of talk about what a senior pastor is “supposed” to be doing when it comes to leading a church. However, it’s clear that the lead pastor’s tasks must be driven by whatever “stage” a church finds itself in. If the pastor is leading a traditional […]

How to Start a New Service

There are several essentials to effectively starting an indigenous service.

1.       Identify the key issues in the target audience. Do they see church as an option, when would they most likely attend, and why don’t they attend now?  Conducting a focus group with the appropriate age group can help you obtain this information.  Design the […]