Doing Church in Tough Times

Doing Church in Tough Times: Create an Opportunity Ethos

There’s no question the times are tough. The economy is in the tank. Unemployment is rising faster than soda pop bubbles. The banking industry is on the ropes. The Big Three auto makers are on their knees. And no one knows who’s going down next. Even […]

The Spiritual Traveler: On a Journey Toward Wholeness

I, Randy, listen to many people throughout my day.  I listen to people in the dog park, in the coffee shop, in the diner, at the gym, and in line at the burrito stand.  I hear so many times from various people, “I am not religious, but I am very spiritual.”  I have wondered […]

C. Peter Wagner, Churchquake!

Wagner, C. PeterChurchquake!,

Churchquake!, by C. Peter Wagner (Ventura, CA, Regal Books, A Division of Gospel Light, 1999) 276 pages, hardback, $12.99. (Obtain from Regal Books, A Division of Gospel Light,

A book you should beg, borrow, or steal.  C. Peter Wagner sees a new movement of God emerging that he calls the New Apostolic Reformation.  A […]

Bridging the Generational Technology Gaps

This post is Part 2 of Bridging the Generational Technology Gaps. The first part (here) examined the different generations. In this post we’ll look at some specifics on bridging the gaps.

Before I start, it bears reminding you that there is more to targeting the generations than just tweaking your technology. And though this post […]

New Wine Skins Part 3

Jesus says you can’t put new wine in old wine skins because old wine skins become brittle and lose their functionality. He is communicating to us today that we must create new wine skins to house the vibrancy of new wine. This is a principle of life in which new situations most always require […]

How to Promote Your Church’s Values While Fundraising

Fundraising is a key part of sustaining your church as it provides the resources you need to run your church properly and support your programming. However, at its core, fundraising is about gathering the funds necessary to fulfill your church’s vision and uphold your values.

When you incorporate your church’s values into your fundraising, you […]

Church Leaders – a Contradiction in Terms?

I received a thoughtful note from a Church-Talk listener. He contended that the church has fallen under the spell of the culture’s understanding and practice of leadership. He went on the say that the church must follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit rather than fallen mortal man. I thought he was pretty perceptive […]

Back Yard Missionaries

When most people hear the word “missionary” they think of someone going off to a foreign country. That used to the case. But no more. Today, in the U.S., we are called to be “back yard missionaries” to our networks.

Today, only 30 percent of the missionaries being sent out in the world are from the […]

WWJND? What Would Jesus Not Do? (Part 2)

The Apostle John warned us about the dangers of, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, three issues as church leaders we are all tempted with, but transgressions that Jesus would never do.

These three temptations, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, […]