Three Kinds of Church Members

A family left the church recently because they didn’t like one of the changes in worship. The pastor had been confronted by the board chair who demanded the pastor “Go after them and bring them back.” The pastor kept his cool and gently sidestepped the confrontation, but gave me (his coach) a call the […]

When Love Came to Town

Valentine Day is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. For many people it is merely a time to exchange cards, and if a guy is especially smart he gets flowers for his girl or lady. The practice began in the 6thΒ century and continues to this day. […]

Flip Your Church Step 5: Rethink Church

For a moment, suspend everything you think you know about doing and being church. Pretend, for argument’s sake, that you’ve been transported back to the first century… even before the birth of the church. As of this moment, there is nothing that “looks like” church. There are no traditions, no creeds, no history, no […]

Church Marketing

I didn’t used to be much of a blog reader, but after conversations with a couple of folk it became clear that blogging, reading, and responding are a social networker’s lifeblood … and since I always fancied myself as a social networker, I’ve started reading a couple. I was reading Glenn Kelley’s blog this […]

Too Tired to Try

“We’ve got lots of opportunities. What we don’t have are the members to take advantage of any of them. Everyone is exhausted.”

ExhaustedTiredDepletedWiped Out

Let’s be honest, the pandemic and the post-pandemic migration has been rough on all of us.

Sign Up for the Free Pastor’s Congregation Resurrection Facebook Live Training Here. (Tuesday, August 23, 1 […]

Spiritual Checkup 2023

For years as the pastor of a growing congregation I would take time at the end of each year to be quiet and asked God to bring to my mind the significant things He wanted to teach me about the last year. I would also ask God to impart to me what changes He […]

Holding a Congregation Accountable

I recently received a note with a question that I’m sure most pastors have asked themselves at one time or another.

I’m afraid there are many answers to this question.

The congregation is paying the pastor’s salary – so they’re the boss (or at least they think and act like they are).

The congregation is an all-volunteer organization – if they […]

A Lesson in “Getting It”

My wife is currently the pastor of a small church here in Columbia, Missouri (Oakland Christian). It’s a small church, but putting what she knows about church growth, evangelism, follow-up, and leadership development into action the church has recently begun to show growth – especially with the younger adult crowd.

The church’s nursery is in […]

The Signs of the Times

From time to time I write an article on what my travels across the U.S. are teaching me. It has been awhile since I have shared my observations, so I thought I would pass on a few of the major trends I am seeing that I think will change the shape of things to […]