Three Common Contagious Church Viruses: Part 2

“The Church Doctor will see you now.”

“Tell me,” the doctor said, “What seems to be ailing you?”

The church shared her symptoms. Lethargy. Uncontrollable membership loss. And an unmistakeable rumbly in her tumbly.

“It’s most likely one of three common contagious church viruses.”

Capitulation Infection

Capitulation Infection is one of the most contagious and rapidly spreading […]

The Path to Becoming a Successful Church Consultant

I don’t know what the deal is, but over the past couple of weeks we’ve been inundated with requests from current pastors who have become interested in becoming church consultants. I’ve responded personally, but I think there’s enough interest that I wanted to set the record straight about what it takes to be a […]

Helping Kids Cope – Equipping Parents

As parents begin to struggle through the emotions brought on by Hurricane Katrina, it’s important to remember that children are also impacted by the scenes they see played out on television, the words they hear spoken and the pictures they glimpse in the paper.

“Children are often more aware of what’s happening than we realize,” […]

A Not-so-Random Thought on Epiphany

We’ve all heard the tired adage bounced around each year that “Wise Men Still Seek Him.” It almost seems like a good sermon title. Almost.

The question we need to ask ourselves is whether or not that’s a valid statement in these post-modern, post-Christendom days. Are wise men and women still seeking the Jesus of […]

Get Un-Stuck

When I was growing a healthy effective church, I would often seek out advice from other successful churches to see what they were doing to grow. One of those churches was North Coast Church in Vista California, a suburb of San Diego. The senior pastor is Larry Osborne, and he has positively influenced me […]

Convergence of Spirit and Technology

Bill Easum

Throughout recorded history, the expansion of the Kingdom of God has mostly been in direct proportion to the convergence of the Spirit and technology. Three such convergences have occurred in recent recorded history: the Roman Empire, the printing press, and the World Wide Web. During the first two convergences, established religions—first Judaism and […]

Jesus is the Way?

By Bill Easum


One thing has become crystal clear over the twenty some years I have been consulting and coaching church leaders – the vast majority of growing churches in the U.S. range from conservative to ultra-conservative.  And for them, Jesus is the only way to salvation. The more a leader vacillates on this belief, the […]

Postmodern Contrast to Modern

The following are some contrasts between modernity and postmodernity

Modern – intellect, teaching, know
PoMo- spirit, experience, sense

Modern – linear thinking and processes
PoMo – overlapping, juxtaposition without contradiction

Modern – either/or
PoMo – both/and/also

Modern – prove it to me
PoMo – show me

Modern – institutional
PoMo – organic

Modern – utopic vision for future society
PoMo – change or be changed – […]

Friday Nights for Jesus

Fasten your seat belt, friend, because this is the most high powered approach we have. I do not know anything that works better than giving Friday nights to Jesus. Giving Friday nights to Jesus will reach more people in less time than any method I know. In fact, if you give Friday nights to […]