Turning Hope into Belief

The mind is a funny thing; If the mind believes something to be true, the more likely it is that something will happen. Let me illustrate

I play golf. And there are times I know I can make every putt I’m about to take. And I do. Then there are days I know I couldn’t […]

God is a Baseball Fan

Although I have played many sports throughout my lifetime, baseball has always held my heart. It all started when as a young boy I would watch my hometown Chicago Cubs each Spring and Summer afternoon on WGN T.V. That love of the game continues to this day.

Baseball has long been known as America’s national […]

The Doer Dilemma

It’s not politically correct these days, but the old adage, “Too many chiefs and not enough indians” points to a larger problem in the church today.

Yes, there’s a leadership vacuum in most churches today, but not for the reasons most people think. It’s not that there aren’t potential leaders there in the church, there […]

Seminary and Ordination are Keeping U.S. Christianity from Thriving

Recently I’m running into a lot of writers who are asking the question “If we all serve the same God, why is Christianity growing all over the world except Europe and the U.S.?” I find that am important question. The problem is most of the answers I’m seeing deal with fringe issues and don’t […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 5 – Introduction

In this chapter, we take a look at the principles that will turn a flagging mainline church into a multiplication movement. To be fair, this isn’t a specific recommendation list (“Start three small groups of twelve people each and study thus-and-thus in session one, this-and-that in session two” etc.). You will actually have to […]

Seek Wisdom

In my last two posts I have written about leadership within the government and the church which are both experiencing difficult challenges. I can’t remember a time in our nation’s history when there has been more talk about the failures of leadership within an administration or for that matter inside the church. As leaders […]

The Demise of Cash and Checks

The other day I said something online about writing a check and I received guffaws from some of my colleagues. I didn’t understand the intensity of their response to my comment, so I investigated why they responded so negatively to my comment about writing a check. Here’s what I found. U.S. consumers and businesses […]

Stop Losing Staff

“I’m tired of training staff only to see them leave to work in another church.” I heard pastors say this a lot when I was consulting. I always wondered what would happen if they didn’t train them and they stayed long term. 

“My staff is so competent that I’m afraid some church will steal them […]

Did You Know … ?

Some things just creep up on you …

Though the statistics in the video below date back to 2010, the information is invaluable. The question is, how will the church respond? Watch the video and then continue reading to engage in a conversation about how the church is responding. (Click the video screen to view.)

Too […]