Announcements Are Commercials

After receiving one of my church audit reports the pastor called and asked why I said they shouldn’t begin with announcements. I said to him, “Do you watch TV?” He replied, “Sure.” I said, “Do any of the programs open with all 15 minutes of commercials?”  “No,” was his reply. “But what’s that got […]

The Best Thing Ever Said about Me

I’m doing a seminar in a large church in the south. I’m nearing the end of the second of five days and speaking to the congregations when someone raises their hand and says “What you’re saying suggests you’re a young man in an old man’s body.”  He was referring to my understanding of the new world […]

The Success Factor

When it comes to church leadership, there seems to be a word that sends more shivers of horror down their spines than the combination of Stephen King, M. Night Shyamalan, and Boris Karloff could ever pull off. Indeed, this word evokes a fear is so insidious that it’s paralyzing and many church leaders run […]

Church of Tomorrow – Invested and Committed

My wife and I just completed a trip that we wanted to do since we were kids.  We went to Alaska, land of 10,000 blogs (BTW – Alaska has 3 million lakes; sorry Minnesota).

The first part of the trip was a cruise up the inside passage.  There’s a reason that you are told to […]

Coaching Tip: Keep a Leadership Journal

Some people are more organized than I am and do things in a more disciplined fashion. Many of these people find it helpful to keep a “Leadership Journal” in which to chronicle their leadership development as it happens.

In this journal a person might put the following:

1. Cause and Effect events. “I responded this way […]

The Average Pastor’s Achilles Heel

I’ve coached and consulted with hundreds of pastors over the years and I’ve noticed a common thread in the ministry of those pastors who do not do well. The sad thing about this common thread is that it could be eliminated with one simple word. But before I tell you what that one word […]

Measuring Results in Mission Impact (Part 4 of 4)

There are at least five ways to quantitatively measure mission involvement, and at least five ways to measure mission effectiveness.

Measure mission involvement: These measurements are in ascending order of importance … from least significant to most significant.

1)     Property use: How many community organizations completely aligned with your congregational mission use your space during the week?

2)     […]

Attracting ‘Super’ Men to Your Church

of churches all over our country continue to ask the question,  “Where are all the men”? Women comprise more
than 60% of the adults in the typical worship service in America. Some overseas
congregations report ten women for every man in attendance. Volunteer ranks are
heavily female. No other religion suffers the enormous gender gaps that plague
Christianity. […]

Three Common Contagious Church Viruses: Part 3

“The Church Doctor will see you now.”

“Tell me,” the doctor said, “What seems to be ailing you?”

The church shared her symptoms. Lethargy. Uncontrollable membership loss. And an unmistakeable rumbly in her tumbly.

“It’s most likely one of three common contagious church viruses.”


Self-Interitis affects virtually all declining churches.

Symptoms: Inability to make changes that […]