Training Small Groups

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

One of the most disheartening thing I’ve noticed in most church’s small group programs is the lack of life-changing that goes on. The vast majority of the participants who attend small groups leave in about the same state as when they came, except that they may be just a little more educated on […]

Strengthening Your Church’s Structure

So many of the commercials I see on T.V. are for prescription medicines or vitamin and mineral supplements directed at me for the wellbeing of my body. It seems to me that I am in the target market of the 55 + million Americans who suffer from stiff and achy joints. These advertisements warn […]

The Three Second Rule

It happened again. Great worship was happening and then … nothing.

Dead air time

Let’s be honest here … if the radio (or your favorite online server) goes silent while you’re driving, how long before you’re off to the next station or playlist?

According to a study I read, they said thirty seconds.

According to my experience […]

The Ultimate Measurement

Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of growing churches today are out of the mainstream? In fact all of the mainline denominations are in decline. I have a theory on why. Well, it’s more than a theory; it’s what I have observed in working with both mainline and non-mainline churches for the […]

Failure is Certain

I had a conversation with a pastor recently who shared that in his family of origin, “failure was not an option.” And so, he was a careful planner who sought to get “all the data” he could before making a decision. I was reminded of Ecclesiastes 12:12
Be warned, my son, of anything in addition […]

Life Lessons Learned along the Way

This is not a religious article, but it begins with a spiritual dimension because I believe spirituality is the foundation of a healthy life. You can share this article with anyone and it should not offend. If it does, they have a problem, not you. This is a piece about LIFE and what I’ve […]

Smaller Boards Outperform Larger Boards – Duh!

A study by the Wall Street Journal discovered that larger corporations with smaller boards outperformed their counterparts with larger boards by a significant margin. In fact, as few as 3-5 extra people made a difference in profit margins by up to 18 percent.

Churches of every size have similar issues. The larger the board, the less efficient […]

You Choose: Faith or Fear

There are two different ways of dealing with just about everything in life, by faith or in fear. Faith is described in Hebrews 11:1,as being “certain of what we do not see.” It is an absolute belief that God is constantly working behind the scenes in every area of our lives, even when there […]

Leap of Faith

One of my favorite movies is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In it Harrison Ford’s character is faced with difficult trials in order to regain the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used at his last supper. One of the tests he has to endure is to make a seemingly impossible leap across a […]